Saturday 5 November 2016

Learn to have Power over Anger

Anger is one of the many emotions we experience as humans. Anger could be good or bad depending on how we choose to express it. Anger is a feeling and feelings are put there by God, but you know that every thing God have created can be abused; so it is with anger, it could be channeled for good or for bad.

Anger have to be instigated from an external source before compelling you from within to retaliate. This eternal sources are everywhere, ranging from your closest friends to what we see on the news.

Anger should be controlled, but there are a few wrong ways it could be done. We have been taught this or picked it up as an habit, but it is the wrong way to control it. Here are some of the wrong ways:

  • We have been taught to just bottle it up,
  • We have been taught to squeeze at something or yell at a pillow and, 
  • Sometimes we just throw up a fit.

Tuesday 1 November 2016

How You Can Overcome Being Hurt

You have to come to terms with the fact that people and circumstances will from time to time say hurtful things to you, whether or not it is intentional. But you have to understand that the degree to how much you will be hurt by it is totally up to you.

This is a powerful truth. It really isn't what is said or who said it; it is all dependent on your emotional, mental and spiritual depth.

Have you realized that no matter what is said to you on a very good day will have a totally different effect on you as it would if it were to be a lousy and difficult day? Do you realize your reaction will be based on your current mood or better still your spiritual understanding? It is really anchored by your emotional and/or spiritual maturity.

However you really shouldn't rely on your emotions. Emotions can be misleading for most of the time. You will need self control to put your emotions under control; only a spirit with great understanding and depth will be able to do so.

Wednesday 12 October 2016


Yesterday does not exist. The moment a new day dawns, it carries with some messages; message 1: Yesterday has become extinct; message 2: Today was yesterday's tomorrow.

See, this is how fierce life is. Today is the oldest you have ever been on this earth and today is the youngest you will ever become till you exit from here; so why living life latched at the past? your yesterday. Yesterday is just an anchor that you must let loose if you want to soar.

You have to really get this into your consciousness. No matter what you have been through, no matter who had hurt you yesterday, you have to learn to let go - you owe it first to yourself, then to the ones you care about.

You really have to understand that yesterday should not have to distort today. Yesterday had it's

Saturday 3 September 2016

Take Responsibility

To take responsibility is simply to respond positively to the challenge in front of you, or in front of others who are shying away from the same. That is, it can be a challenge facing only you, or challenge facing a group of people you are involved with, with nobody willing to take the first step.

You are either of two things in this world not both, you are either Responsible(one who takes responsibility) or Inresponsible(one who refuses to take responsibility or always dragged to take one). Oh you can't be both!  You are either active or reactive.

Here is the thing, taking responsibility is a choice; a mental one, and like all mental choices, you have to prepare for it at all times. You will never get used to it; it is a decision you will have to make every

Tuesday 30 August 2016

Against Hope, Hope!

There are times when we feel there is nothing else to hope for or look forword to in life. At the time of this writing I came close to that feeling. Many such days have come and gone and I can't say if more will come. I know you have felt that way too. Sometimes or at such times it is just so overwhelming.

There is a thing I do which I will also like you to pick up in times like that. I HOPE AGAINST HOPE. That is I hope even when I don't feel like it, even when there is no logical reason to do so.

I seemply say to myself today will pass and after a short while I won't even remember it; it works every time. Cast your mind back for a minute; that challenge you thought you have that will never go away or that you thought to be the end of the world itself; do you even remember it? Do you remember the rage, the anger, the disgurst, the discouragement, do you remember?

Wednesday 17 August 2016

The Boomerang Effect of Mental Idleness

What are you doing with your mind? Your mind is just like everything else, it wears-out from lack of use. The more under utilized your mind is, the more you lose your wit.

Have you ever wondered why you have to learn somethings all over again after dropping it for a while? Take for example learning a new language, or learning how to play a musical instrument, the moment you stop practicing you start forgetting all you've learnt, and when you eventually return to it it will feel like starting all over again.

We have to consistently build muscle memory in areas of our expertise. Why do you do something, drop it, and pick it up again. You are wasting your time.

If you want something, put your mind to it and go all out to getting it; the more you procrastinate the more your mind will get lazy towards achieving that thing.

Monday 15 August 2016

The Irrefutable Law of Attitude

Your attitude is everything, it affects everything around you, it affects your day to day life more than realised.

Two men where sent to a native community by the organizations to sort out business oppurtunites for them. On arrival the first thing they noticed was that the natives where all going about their business bare-footed, nobody was on shoes. One of the men immediately contacted his organisation, telling them that the shoe factory proposal should be forgotten that nobody here wears shoes. The other man on the other hand contacted his organisation telling them to kick off the project quickly as planned that everybody hear is in need of shoes.

Sunday 14 August 2016

The Perks of being a Mediocre

Being a mediocre comes with its own previledges, really it does.
Mediocres do not have battle scars, niether do they ever stand-out - always going with the norm; 'playing it save' is their slogan. There are very priviledged to being very comfortabe with where they are.

Mediocres have a couple of things going on for them, this is what I call "The Perks of being a Mediocre".

However we will do well to avoiding this perks that comes with being a mediocre. Here are the perks:

Thursday 11 August 2016

How to know when to quit

How do I know when it is time to pack up my bag and leave? How do I know when it is time to stop trying? When can I realize that it is time to let go of a thing and stop pushing?

What if I quit and it turned out that if I had stayed-on one more day I would have had my breakthrough? What if Thomas Edison had giving up on his light bulb invention one more try away of actual success? What about Abraham Lincon, or the Wright brothers, or you, what if you had given up on that relationship which turned out now to be great after all?

The key to knowing whether to quit or continue trying lies in our ability to discern the inevitable outcome of that project, endeavour or relationship we are tied to; knowing for certain whether it will come through at the end or whether it will just go on to be another wild goose chase at the end.

Tuesday 9 August 2016

Was I born to do only one particular thing?

Lets assume for a minute that we were all created to do a particular thing, to work in a particular line of work or profession, or to walk in a specific path. Lets also assume that if I miss this path I am lost forever. We will aslo have to assume that every success story in life is a life lived according to the pre-ordained plan and purpose of God.

Even if this were the case, is it safe to say that all failures are individuals that walked the wrong paths in thier lives journey? This will also mean that no one will actually fail in the line of thier purpose or calling even if there were lazy, sloppy and unskilled.

God is a God of purpose, and no doubt He did put different potentials and gifts in each and every one of us as He would. This gifts and potentials are actually pointers to what we will trive at best in life; road maps to our destiny.

Now here is the mystery. We were created to have a particular destiny in life but we were not given a particular way to arrive at it. That is, I can actually do many different things and tread different paths to getting to my destination in life. We can arrive there through different route.

Saturday 6 August 2016


Have you ever asked yourself why you act the way you do? Why you react to things the way you do? Why you process things the way you do?

However much we are influenced by our background, we turn out differently from those we grew up with. Why is this?

Maybe it is because of the way we see ourselves. The way we percieve ourselves. We all think of ourselves as something; we secretely feel like we are better than everyone else, although there are a few exception. The majority of us think we are something, we feel like we are mysterious or something, like a mystry to be solved.

Thursday 4 August 2016

The Power of Positive Praise

You don't have to believe what you confess, but if you continue long enough in those words you will begin to believe it. There is an unfathomable power in our confessions or praises whether in the positive or in the negative.

You don't have to mean it, you don't have to be convinced with what you are saying; you will even doubt the ability of it, but if you could just keep at it, it will get you convinced.

What will it profit us when we sing negative praises all day? What will it actually cost you to confess something positive when faced with negative situations? How much of a sacrifice is it to you to say something loving even when filled with disappointment, rage and dismay?

Wednesday 3 August 2016

The Power of Talk

Words. The most lethal force on earth. The most influential force in our lives.

Our words possesses the most creative power on earth. It have the power to create something out of nothing. It have the power to transform bad to good, good to bad.

Words carefully chosen and spoken have powers to turn a frown upside-down into a smile, agony into ecstasy.

Men do not rule the world; it is the intelligent words of men that do rule the world; Men that have mastered the art of spoken words and have seen and acknowledge it's powers.

Tuesday 2 August 2016


I never was, am always to be. No one ever saw me or ever will and yet I am the confidence or despair of all who lives and breathe - I am TOMORROW.

I instill hope on many, yet fear on others. I never am and will never never be, yet all hope to see my day. Everyone is constantly planning on me, saving on me, waiting on me and others merely wishing on me.

I am like a force field. Everything and everyone pulls towards me instinctively but never will they reach me. I am in the thoughts of everyone all the time. I am health to most, a plague to a few.

Sunday 31 July 2016

Home Ground

Do you ever wonder why in sports, it is often more difficult to beat a team at their home ground than on a foreign ground? Well I have thought about it . Is it the cheers from the thousands of home fans on the stands? Or is it the familiarity with the environment, the turf? Well I think it is the feelings that have become so attached to them, feelings derived, sourced and drawn  from the environment over the years; kind of like an attachment, a bond. However, when those cheers turn into boos and what used to be their turf becomes a ground for special hate campaigns  against the team or a singled out player, you will watch how fast the team or that player become a shadow of his former self, falling from grace to grass.

Saturday 30 July 2016

Purge and Restock your Mind

Have you ever heard the saying "you are what you eat"? Well, here is another one for you; "you become what you are conditioned to". It is Dr Paul Enenche that remarked "whatever you focus on multiplies". Everything that is going on around you is replenishing your mind and thought pattern according to their will, they are on a subconscious level selling you a lifestyle. Like I said in an earlier post, "man is a product of influence"; we eventually become what we focus on; we eventually become what constantly focus on us.

Thursday 28 July 2016

The Power of Compulsion

Compulsion, a strong desire to do something, which we find difficult to control, something in many situations we really don't want to do but we just can't help ourselves. Sometimes half way through that thing we wish we could just stop but no way, cause it always feels stronger than us, it feels over-powering. What is that thing that have such influences and power over you What is it? You know it, I know it.

Sharing mine isn't as important right now as to mastering how we could conquer this demon that is hovering over all of us. If we don't conquer it, it will us. It is a very selfish influence; all it wants is control, control over our will, snatching it's power from us.

Tuesday 26 July 2016

Do you have what it takes to be you?

OK, lets talk a little about you. How are you? Deep down from within do you feel like you are living you? I don't mean having everything figured out, I mean who really do right. What I am probing here for is very simple, is it? I think it is. Every human need to know who there are; we owe it to ourselves to know this.

Again, do you know you? Can you declare a manifesto about yourself in one paragraph? Or you're just another one among many trying to go with the flow, the trends, oh the trends; it seems like that is the major goal of everyone now; what is trending!

The whole world is conforming to a particular norm nowadays that its considerably becoming more difficult to identify one's self. It has become an up-hill task to know who we really are in this world.

Sunday 24 July 2016

Self Defeat

Do you know that self defeat is the worse defeat there is? It is because it is sin against one's self even as it is a sin before God. Man, we are beings that are product of influences, everything informs us, but nothing influences us more than our own thought, word and attitude. Whatever is spoken over you has little influence as compared with same words coming from your mouth, cause what we say comes from within us, from the very depth of our being.

Today for example I almost ran myself by myself in self defeat and self pity because of a situation that unfold itself; what I was left in charge with was badly destroyed, as a matter of fact it cripped the whole service.

Saturday 23 July 2016

Live on Purpose

Have you ever been told "you can't do it"? Often times it is not spoken out, but implied.A lot of other times we get this look from others when we share with them our vision, goals or aspirations. Some other times we rebuked even by our closest companions concerning our dreams; we are seen as aiming to high, seen as proud and arrogant; this often come as sheer ignorance.

Where does this come from? Are we built this way? Is it a goal of certain individuals to pull others down? Why is this?

Everyone on earth with a negative attitude, mindset and approach towards life is a child born of his/her environment; yes he/she is a product of a certain community; why is this?

Thursday 21 July 2016


One will need only so much effort to see around the huge gap between the deep pockets and the shallow pockets. One with abundance and the other with only so much to live to see another day. We live in a world whose riches is held in custody by a group of custodians which forms barely 1 percent of the entire human population of planet earth. We live in a world where food are thrown away for rubbish in some parts and adverse hunger in another, a world filled with abundant wealth but yet so much lack.

Here is the thing, it is obvious we missed it along the way, and we have to admit it; it is the only way. We missed it.

Tuesday 19 July 2016

How do I know I have lost FAITH?
Faith, it is the confident assurance that something we want is going to happen. It is the certainty that what  we hope for is waiting for us, even though we cannot see it up ahead.

The world as we know it was made from things that cannot be seen by spoken words of faith by the Creator. It is the greatest force in the universe; it creates something out of nothing, it turns startups into blue-chips, it holds all things together.

Faith is the one thing we have to hold tightly to and never let go. So why are we letting go? Why are we allowing it fade away from our grip? Why is fear now taking the drivers seat? Yes fear is the absence of faith; as a matter of fact fear is faith in the negative, it is constantly having faith that the worse is going to happen. Why is this?

Monday 18 July 2016


Why do I keep doing this? I mean I do this all the time. I am in a loop here, constantly complaining about everything with little or no will to change any of it. Do you actually think that the world owe you anything or an explanation? I have to change things, I can't go on like this, each time I try to break free I get held back by my own thoughts, fear of the on know, but I have to get this kind of negative thought pattern off of me.

Whatever I don't venture into now will plague me later in life  with thoughts of what ifs; what if I had moved to that other city, what if I had left that toxic relationship earlier than I eventually did, what if I had turn that idea into something actually tangible, what if?

Sunday 17 July 2016


Listen! Wisdom is calling out. Reason is making herself heard. On the hilltops near the road and at the crossroads she stands. At the entrance to the city, beside the gates, she calls: “I appeal to all of you; I call to everyone on earth. Are you immature? Learn to be mature. Are you foolish? Learn to have sense. Listen to my excellent words; all I tell you is right. What I say is the truth; lies are hateful to me. Everything I say is true; nothing is false or misleading. To those with insight, it is all clear; to the well-informed, it is all plain. Choose my instruction instead of silver; choose knowledge rather than the finest gold. “I am Wisdom, I am better than jewels; nothing you want can compare with me.

HIS NEED, my needs
He needs God
Man, created to do, to will and to become by Him in this world is built with needs; he secretly craves and desires certain things. He is triune, a spirit having a soul living in a body. Three in one. 

All three of him have needs that needs to be met and satisfied else, else chaos. The guy across the street yelling, yelling at his wife, getting off in his car in anger has needs; unmet needs. The wife he left behind with child in her arms have needs of her own not met. The little boy now grown, angry with the world, feeling like everybody owes him something for sure has needs, he misses mommy. Wars, terrorism, oppression, depression of all sort are tied to that ultimate unmet need carried around by everyone.

What are my needs, what are yours; does Father God have needs of His own? Well lets deal with it, there is  a need everywhere we turn, we just have to look.

Friday 15 July 2016

Obviously I am Indebted
Obviously I am indebted..., wait a minute, am I really? I mean, what is all of this? What is this place? Why am I here? Why are all of these? What is man? Did I ask to be part of any of this? Why am I? What is the reason for me being?

I just can't figure out why I am put here and given all this responsibilities. Why am I put here only to make decisions between this and that, what to do, what not to do? In choosing I will be condemned at the end if I chose wrong. What is the essence of it all? Is this just? Am i really indebted to Him or anyone else at that?

Thursday 14 July 2016

HIS PRESENCE, my presence
His Presence... I for one want more of it, I literally want more of Him every time everyday. Uhhm wait a minute is there such a thing as more of Him? Is there such a thing as more of His presence? I..., really don't think so because He has already given Himself totally to His sons and daughters(saints), to His church. 

Now if His Presence is already with us, within us, then why this "emptiness". Wait a minute, am I looking for some sort of closure or a feeling as a sign? This can't be, He cant be felt, He is a Spirit, He can  only be perceived; so do I perceive Him as much as I should or would want too? Should it be an all the time thing? Here is the thing His presence is always with us, we don't just perceive Him because, our spirit is totally choked by our physical senses and all this external forces all around our surroundings, yes this forces are literally choking our spirit being its sensitivity.