Thursday 28 July 2016

The Power of Compulsion

Compulsion, a strong desire to do something, which we find difficult to control, something in many situations we really don't want to do but we just can't help ourselves. Sometimes half way through that thing we wish we could just stop but no way, cause it always feels stronger than us, it feels over-powering. What is that thing that have such influences and power over you What is it? You know it, I know it.

Sharing mine isn't as important right now as to mastering how we could conquer this demon that is hovering over all of us. If we don't conquer it, it will us. It is a very selfish influence; all it wants is control, control over our will, snatching it's power from us.

Do we have it in us to conquer this influences? Can we do it on our own? If our will have been taken over or mastered by this appetites what other weapon are we left with to do battle? Cause if the will of a man have been conquered by an external influence or appetite, he is in chains; he has become slave to this demon and can no longer fight.

However, there is a loop hole, there is always a loop hole right? You see, the soul is the seat of our will,intellect and emotion. It is all in the mind. But there is a real you somewhere in the inside of you. It is the you that lives away from your soul; it is the spirit, our spirit. Now that's the we in us that we need to train for battle against this intruders.

Do you believe in the spiritual? If you believe in the supernatural then you believe in the spiritual. Like it or not we are spiritual beings. Like I said from a previous post, man is a spirit, having a soul, and living in a body. Here is the thing, the  spirit has become weaker than the soul and body. The human soul and body work in synergy and have greater influence from the outside world through it's senses and as such, greater power.

However, the spirit can become stronger. When this happens we start overcoming this compulsions little by little one step at a time. So the big question, how can I train my spirit?

Here is how:
1. Recognize firstly that you have a Creator.
2. Recognize that you are an eternal being, created to live forever. You cannot be destroyed.
3. Recognize that there is a war in this world; a war between good and evil, light and darkness. The interesting thing about this is that you are on one side right now. You can't be neutral, you are either for good or evil, light or darkness. Which side are you on? You can always make a change for better.
4. Acknowledge that there is only one way to be on the good side, only one way to walk in the light. It is a path, it is Jesus Christ. There is no other way.
5. You have to believe in Him, that He came to earth in the flesh of man, died and resurrected for you alone, and confess Him as Lord over your life. It is that easy.
6. Walk in the light of His ability now living inside of you. If you allow Him, He will grow your spirit for battle

This is it folks, this is it.
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