Saturday 30 July 2016

Purge and Restock your Mind

Have you ever heard the saying "you are what you eat"? Well, here is another one for you; "you become what you are conditioned to". It is Dr Paul Enenche that remarked "whatever you focus on multiplies". Everything that is going on around you is replenishing your mind and thought pattern according to their will, they are on a subconscious level selling you a lifestyle. Like I said in an earlier post, "man is a product of influence"; we eventually become what we focus on; we eventually become what constantly focus on us.

Do you like where you are right now? Do you even like who you've become? It was Lao Tzu that quipped " Watch your thought; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habit. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny". Whatever makes its way to your mind has the potential of becoming a major stakeholder in your life, cause every single thing that gets into your mind becomes a stakeholder in your thought pattern.

Consequently, we have to consistently purge our mind off of all the junk that makes their way there, and then restock it on purpose with  things that are in sync with your value system.

Purging and restocking of our minds will require a substantial work; good work, as it has become imperative that we do so as often as we possibly can. This is a battle and until we begin to take it as such, it will become a battle that we've lost from the very beginning.

Now, whether we like it or  not, we will constantly or inevitably come in contact with insinuations and contents that will be toxic to our value system; we can only minimize it's frequency of occurrence; how? By being always in the right places at the right time, watching and/or listening to right contents and by focusing less and less on things with little or no positively intrinsic value.

How to purge my mind:
1. Refuse to think on things that will violate your values.
2. Starve your mind of negative thoughts that try to assert themselves on you.
3. Train and refrain your mind from wondering on needless things. The mind is like a baby. It takes  to wondering very now and then, and as it wonders, it often stumbles on irrelevant thoughts.

How to Restock my mind:
1. Read and listen on appropriate materials, resource and content that are in sync with your core values.
2. Think on purpose. "Create private think sessions for yourself"(Joyce Meyer).
3. Focus on things that are in line with your values.

If we can bring ourselves to doing this, we become better positioned to out-do ourselves(our previous feet). Take out the cans and restock!

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