Tuesday 30 August 2016

Against Hope, Hope!

There are times when we feel there is nothing else to hope for or look forword to in life. At the time of this writing I came close to that feeling. Many such days have come and gone and I can't say if more will come. I know you have felt that way too. Sometimes or at such times it is just so overwhelming.

There is a thing I do which I will also like you to pick up in times like that. I HOPE AGAINST HOPE. That is I hope even when I don't feel like it, even when there is no logical reason to do so.

I seemply say to myself today will pass and after a short while I won't even remember it; it works every time. Cast your mind back for a minute; that challenge you thought you have that will never go away or that you thought to be the end of the world itself; do you even remember it? Do you remember the rage, the anger, the disgurst, the discouragement, do you remember?
No matter how overwhelming you might be feeling about that situation, or might have felt, it will definately pass; they all have their expiry date, it will become memory.

You will be tempted to feel that you are going through the worst on earth, but it is not true, someone has gone through what you are facing and someone some where is going through worse. Let me tell you a story.

A man set out to go hang himself in the woods. After setting up the whole thing on a three, he stopped to have his last meal (the only meal he had anyway because he was very poor), it was moi-moi wrapped in bannana leaf (it is a local delicacy here in africa). After eating, he trew it to the ground and was all set to leave the earth. But while trying to complete his mission, he heard gentle scramlings on the ground where he had flongged the bannana leaf; turning curiously he saw a very tartered looking man crawling and reaching for what's left on the bannana life, eating the crumbs thereof; insantly he realised that he was better off than some peaple in the world.

You owe it to yourself to hope against hope, no oneelse will do it for you. When you get knocked down(which you definelty will), get back up and keep moving.

Life is a race, a personal one; you will need to keep moving. Someone ones said, "fly, if you can't fly run, if you can't run walk, if you can't walk crawl, but by all means keep moving".

Keep moving, hope against hope and you will come out victorious at last.
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