Wednesday 17 August 2016

The Boomerang Effect of Mental Idleness

What are you doing with your mind? Your mind is just like everything else, it wears-out from lack of use. The more under utilized your mind is, the more you lose your wit.

Have you ever wondered why you have to learn somethings all over again after dropping it for a while? Take for example learning a new language, or learning how to play a musical instrument, the moment you stop practicing you start forgetting all you've learnt, and when you eventually return to it it will feel like starting all over again.

We have to consistently build muscle memory in areas of our expertise. Why do you do something, drop it, and pick it up again. You are wasting your time.

If you want something, put your mind to it and go all out to getting it; the more you procrastinate the more your mind will get lazy towards achieving that thing.

There is always a boomerang effect to leaving your mind idle. Here are some inevitable consequences for mental idleness:

1. Increased Procrastination
Whatever you are leaving undone now is piling up for later. Eventually you will have to get back to it but with a lot of time lost and with twice the effort. The more you keep up with this pattern the more increasingly difficult it will become to achieving anything worth while.

2. Stagnation/Inability to achieve set goals
Lets face it, we won't achieve anything worth while in life without effectively putting our minds to work; you will never achieve your set goals if you will not prep your mind for it. If you want any meaningful progress in life you have to put your mind through hard and effective work, thinking, or brainstorming.

3. Mental Fatigue
You would notice that when you engage in regular and consistent physical exercises your body feels amassing in contrast to sleeping around the whole day. Same is true with your mind. The more you effectively engage your mind the more sound it will become. Always get yourself involved in activities that challenge or provoke you into thinking, thinking outside the norm.

Exercise your mind, put it to good use. You have no idea what your mind is capable of, what your mind can conceive.

Stretch your imagination, "think yourself clear", as quipped by T.D Jakes. In your mind lies an untapped gold mine.
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