Tuesday 19 July 2016

How do I know I have lost FAITH?

Faith, it is the confident assurance that something we want is going to happen. It is the certainty that what  we hope for is waiting for us, even though we cannot see it up ahead.

The world as we know it was made from things that cannot be seen by spoken words of faith by the Creator. It is the greatest force in the universe; it creates something out of nothing, it turns startups into blue-chips, it holds all things together.

Faith is the one thing we have to hold tightly to and never let go. So why are we letting go? Why are we allowing it fade away from our grip? Why is fear now taking the drivers seat? Yes fear is the absence of faith; as a matter of fact fear is faith in the negative, it is constantly having faith that the worse is going to happen. Why is this?

We have to fight for faith, we have to keep on nurturing it day after day cause yesterday's faith can't handle today's struggle.

How do I know I have lost faith? How can I identify the growing presence of fear? Hear are 5 ways to know we are losing faith:

1. When we begin to build emotional walls of protection.
Often time when faith is lost we tend to build up emotional fences as a bulwark against that thing, person or institution that we've come to lose faith on as seen in our relationships, friends, marriages and even our relationship with God.

2. When you start questioning your own standards
This will happen to everyone here on earth at some point. These are times when we question the very meaning of our existence and the way and manner with which we see and approach life itself.
These are times when we wish we had been born at a different time or era, or born to a different family or nationality. These  are times when look at the sky and wish that we were one among the stars in their constellation.

3. When we begin to question God's ability over our life
What can I say, we will all go through trials that will test our resolve towards God and His ability to see us through the storms we are in. This is when we almost for certain feel life closing in on us, pushing us right to the wall with little or no room to breathe.

4. When we start searching for signs
These are points when we start searching for infallible proofs and signs that will confirm to us that God is working behind the scene on our account.

5. When our faith begins to give it's place to hope
Certainly there is a definite place for hope but when it begins to swap places with faith it becomes dangerous.
Hope is long term; faith is now now; so when we begin to walk in hope in times when faith should be at work we begin to slip into a life of complacency; a lukewarm kind of state, lack of passion and desire.

We have to constantly work in faith for this supersedes even our believes; believing is faith without works.

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