Tuesday 9 August 2016

Was I born to do only one particular thing?

Lets assume for a minute that we were all created to do a particular thing, to work in a particular line of work or profession, or to walk in a specific path. Lets also assume that if I miss this path I am lost forever. We will aslo have to assume that every success story in life is a life lived according to the pre-ordained plan and purpose of God.

Even if this were the case, is it safe to say that all failures are individuals that walked the wrong paths in thier lives journey? This will also mean that no one will actually fail in the line of thier purpose or calling even if there were lazy, sloppy and unskilled.

God is a God of purpose, and no doubt He did put different potentials and gifts in each and every one of us as He would. This gifts and potentials are actually pointers to what we will trive at best in life; road maps to our destiny.

Now here is the mystery. We were created to have a particular destiny in life but we were not given a particular way to arrive at it. That is, I can actually do many different things and tread different paths to getting to my destination in life. We can arrive there through different route.

Take for a example I was born in Sudan with a destiny of becoming a president someday and a potential of becoming an olympic medalist in swimming. Lets face it, I might never become a good swimmer because of the environment in which I was born in. If I were to be born in the US or Australia, perhaps I will stand a better chance.

But does this mean I will fail in life? Does this mean that I will never arrive at, and fulfil my destiny? No, lets not forget that I also am destined to become a president someday.

So it all depends on me now right? I could by chance, luck or sheer determination find myself train in the US and become an olympic gold medalist and by extention become an interesting peronality in Sudan(my supposed country) and after a couple of years become elected as president.

But then this is just a path?

However, if I wasn't fortunate enough to go abroad and become a professional swimmer, will I ever become a president? Yes, I can become a president of sudan in many other ways. The only reason why I will not, is if I allow my background become a yardstick for my remaining on the ground.

What am I trying to put accross here? Never ever think that you have veered to far off the road in life. Starting from where you are rigth now, you can make it to where you were meant to be, even by taking another route, it was just an unplanned detour thats all.

Life is full of unplanned detours, just ensure that you constantly get back on track and keep on moving.

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