Thursday 14 July 2016

HIS PRESENCE, my presence

His Presence... I for one want more of it, I literally want more of Him every time everyday. Uhhm wait a minute is there such a thing as more of Him? Is there such a thing as more of His presence? I..., really don't think so because He has already given Himself totally to His sons and daughters(saints), to His church. 

Now if His Presence is already with us, within us, then why this "emptiness". Wait a minute, am I looking for some sort of closure or a feeling as a sign? This can't be, He cant be felt, He is a Spirit, He can  only be perceived; so do I perceive Him as much as I should or would want too? Should it be an all the time thing? Here is the thing His presence is always with us, we don't just perceive Him because, our spirit is totally choked by our physical senses and all this external forces all around our surroundings, yes this forces are literally choking our spirit being its sensitivity. 

Now I always used to cry and yen for His presence and I always seem to combat the school of thought that says we have to spend more time with Him before I could attain a certain level of His presence, well I just wanted to get His presence and all that power and security that usually comes with it. It was only a couple of days ago I realized this, Father God is not starving me of His Presence because I didn't tarry with Him, I was the one actually doing the starving. You see, we always cry for His presence whereas we are the one starving Him of our presence. He created everything as we see it for us just to enjoy fellowship with us, are we really giving Him that? Are we starving Him of our presence? Well... it sure look like that is what we re doing.

So this is what I resolved; instead of focusing on me and what I want, I will focus rather on what He wants. I will give Him more of me(my time), I WILL MINISTER TO HIM, Hey that's why I am here anyway.
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