Wednesday 3 August 2016

The Power of Talk

Words. The most lethal force on earth. The most influential force in our lives.

Our words possesses the most creative power on earth. It have the power to create something out of nothing. It have the power to transform bad to good, good to bad.

Words carefully chosen and spoken have powers to turn a frown upside-down into a smile, agony into ecstasy.

Men do not rule the world; it is the intelligent words of men that do rule the world; Men that have mastered the art of spoken words and have seen and acknowledge it's powers.

Your words reveals the deepest intent of your heart. It is the very image of our original-selves.

You and your words are one. Your very integrity and character lies in the power of your words.

So, how powerful are your  words? When you speak does it set causes in motion, or it falls flat to the ground? How effective are the words from your mouth?

You have to bind truths with your words, let your words become anointed with love and kindness, because every lie you speak weakens the potency and efficiency of your words. Every foul or idle word that gets out of your mouth drains out energy from the force field in your words, thereby making your words less effective in communication.

What is communication? It is the skillful delivery of carefully selected words.

Learn to think sharply before you speak. It is known that wise people speak with grace and thoughtfulness, and fools speak with filthy impulses.

When you don't have anything wise or graceful to say I would rather you  keep quiet because a man of few words is also counted as being wise.

We actually learn to speak more gracefully after we have mastered the act of silence, cause we become smarter by observation.

Invest time, energy and resources to ensuring that your words become as powerful as could be.

Do not underestimate the power of talk.

Jesus Christ said "life and death are in the power of the tongue"...
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