Tuesday 7 March 2017

Conform to Reform

Before any real reformation, there need be conformity of some sort. To reform is to first conform, so as to come up with strategy both timely and efficient for effecting the required positive change. You can't change a system for the better you haven't come to understand it's intricacies or tested first hand the frustrations existing with its current state.

There is only so much you can do for a system you understand little or nothing about, how much more, reform it. It is one thing to have a strong desire to effect a positive change, it is another thing entirely to know the how, where, and when; knowing this requires conformity of some sort on your part.

You have to watch it though! We are a people of influence - easily influenced by our environment; conforming to the norm comes naturally to us. So you have to be careful not conform to the point where you become entangled in the very system you intended to reform; therefore becoming the reformed - in the negative, instead of being the reformer you thought you shoul.

In conforming to reform, you have to know who you are, what or who you stand for, so that you can always stay true to yourself and to your purpose. You have to know your core self and you have to know how to retreat there when or as needed, so that you can always remain true to yourself and your cause; not getting lost in the process.

No system or cause is worth reforming to the detriment of your very self - your soul. You can always sacrifice your life for a good cause, but what can a man give in exchange for his soul; what is there to gain if you gained everything you set out to get and lose yourself in the process?

Get acquainted with the real you - that is, your core self, for it is he that will help you navigate through life; use him as your anchor, it is your true self.

Mingle, and while at it, make that change happen! 
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