Wednesday 12 October 2016



Yesterday does not exist. The moment a new day dawns, it carries with some messages; message 1: Yesterday has become extinct; message 2: Today was yesterday's tomorrow.

See, this is how fierce life is. Today is the oldest you have ever been on this earth and today is the youngest you will ever become till you exit from here; so why living life latched at the past? your yesterday. Yesterday is just an anchor that you must let loose if you want to soar.

You have to really get this into your consciousness. No matter what you have been through, no matter who had hurt you yesterday, you have to learn to let go - you owe it first to yourself, then to the ones you care about.

You really have to understand that yesterday should not have to distort today. Yesterday had it's

chance, today should be given a benefit of the doubt and tomorrow should be filled with pleasant hope.

Everything you call emotional pain or hurt only exist in the mind; everything emotional, mental or psychological is all in the mind realm.

Imagine you are involved in an accident just for a second; see yourself lose your memory after the crash. Losing your memory entails you losing every emotion that was attached to those memories. If you were depressed before the accident, you will certainly feel oblivious afterwords. Every emotional or traumatic experience along with all things learned are stored in our brains and consequently accessed by our mind.

The pain you see as so traumatizing to overcome right now will be gone in seconds if you were to lose your memory. Why not intentionally lose those hurtful ones - the anchors.

How you may say? it's a process and an easy one even . Your mind is like a computer - just delete the things anchoring your life and let them go. How you say? Quit thinking and dwelling upon them; stop going about you today feeling as if  yesterday or somebody owes you something.

Like a computer system, you should keep your good files well stored-up and delete the bad and infected ones (the anchors). Your brain is already doing this for you, but not effectively as would be required; You have to start deleting those experiences, events and memories that you know are no good to anyone, you have to start doing it consciously, properly and on purpose. 
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