Sunday 31 July 2016

Home Ground


Do you ever wonder why in sports, it is often more difficult to beat a team at their home ground than on a foreign ground? Well I have thought about it . Is it the cheers from the thousands of home fans on the stands? Or is it the familiarity with the environment, the turf? Well I think it is the feelings that have become so attached to them, feelings derived, sourced and drawn  from the environment over the years; kind of like an attachment, a bond. However, when those cheers turn into boos and what used to be their turf becomes a ground for special hate campaigns  against the team or a singled out player, you will watch how fast the team or that player become a shadow of his former self, falling from grace to grass.

Why does this happen? It is simply because the confidence of the entire team was built on the climate of the environment which is a good thing, but it will backfire when the climate becomes polluted. Now, this illustration is to drive home a point; lets relate this now to our lives.

Home ground to us is that place were we have become safe and secure, the place we are the most comfortable, that place where we've resolved to totally be ourselves.

But what happens when we have to leave this place or when the people in it (those with us that constitutes the place) becomes alienated with us or when that one's awesome environment becomes stale and mediocre? How do we reconcile this? What time do we have to quit trying to hold on to the emotional attachment that binds us to this place and move on?

This is a cross road, a very strong decision making point. This is why we have to train ourselves into making critical decisions like this one, because it is a very subtle situation; a situation that have the potential of hampering our dreams. This is very important because we could slip into mediocrity and lose ourselves when we fail to make the right decision. I understand that this is a very big and crucial step but it is in taking this bold steps that we could ever become who we were created to become.

So, I know it is your home ground. I know it is your safe haven. But what will you do when that which is suppose to make you feel good about yourself slowly becomes toxic towards you instead? Isn't that a signal for you to move on? Don't just seat around and hope for things to change, change things, change things for the better! If this are things that can't change, especially when it involves others then you have to move on. Yes. we have to make this decision. We have to find or grow a new home ground.

I hope you find and help cultivate a new home ground.
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