Thursday 11 August 2016

How to know when to quit

How do I know when it is time to pack up my bag and leave? How do I know when it is time to stop trying? When can I realize that it is time to let go of a thing and stop pushing?

What if I quit and it turned out that if I had stayed-on one more day I would have had my breakthrough? What if Thomas Edison had giving up on his light bulb invention one more try away of actual success? What about Abraham Lincon, or the Wright brothers, or you, what if you had given up on that relationship which turned out now to be great after all?

The key to knowing whether to quit or continue trying lies in our ability to discern the inevitable outcome of that project, endeavour or relationship we are tied to; knowing for certain whether it will come through at the end or whether it will just go on to be another wild goose chase at the end.

So discernment of the inevitable is key to knowing when to call it quit.

So, how do I learn to discern?
Here is a couple of ways with which we can learn to discern:

  1. Success leaves clues. If that venture of yours will ever turn out good in the end, it will leave for you trails,clues, evidences pointing to the fact that it will workout. You identify this clues when, each time you give the quest another trail, it always comes out better or closer to home than the previous.
  2. Is it hurting the ones you love? We are to never allow our aspirations sever our relationships; the moment this begins to happen, it will become clear that we have to re-evaluate the conditions and deciside abruptly to quit. Any cause that tends to destroy our genuine relationships is a bad cause at the end no matter what. 
  3. Lets talk about your mood. Are you becoming increasingly bitter, aggitated and frausted over little things? Are you beginning to feel like everyone is evil and against you, especially those giving you sincere advice? When you are becoming emotionally unstable because of a project, endeavour and even a relationship, it is time to re-evaluate the worth of this endeavour of yours. 
If any of the above positive(no. 1) is evident, keep trying, you will break through, but if not(i.e if no. 2 and 3 is true for you), it is sign that we throw in the towel on that endeavour. It is never too late to stop anything that is hurting us and our loved ones .

Sometimes quitting is a sign of strength.

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