Saturday 23 July 2016

Live on Purpose

Have you ever been told "you can't do it"? Often times it is not spoken out, but implied.A lot of other times we get this look from others when we share with them our vision, goals or aspirations. Some other times we rebuked even by our closest companions concerning our dreams; we are seen as aiming to high, seen as proud and arrogant; this often come as sheer ignorance.

Where does this come from? Are we built this way? Is it a goal of certain individuals to pull others down? Why is this?

Everyone on earth with a negative attitude, mindset and approach towards life is a child born of his/her environment; yes he/she is a product of a certain community; why is this?

Every child born into this world is born empty of values, ideologies or mindset, filled with potentials, gifts and talents I must add. But you see, as a child grows from infancy to a toddler, he sees the world differently from the adult, he sees it as pure and graceful - at this stage, same with all of us at this early stages of our lives, everything seems possible and attainable; we think and aspire to go to the moon and back. But you see, only few of us ever get to achieve his/her childhood dreams, only a few of us gets to go to the moon and back.

Why is this? It is our environment, our community in which we grew up, our families. It is when that little girl starts noticing a disapproving chuckle from one person to the next each time she tells about her dreams and aspirations, so she stops sharing them altogether or even when she shares, she do so less confidence, and soon the dream will begin to fade away.

So you see, your community shapes you either positively or negatively at a subconscious level, deep within your being. We have to be more watchful now; each time you get that funny look from someone, instantly say to them, believe it or not I will achieve it;don't allow anyone steal your dreams from you.

Starting from now begin to examine your friends and peers, your family, your instructors and leaders, cause what you hear consistently shapes you; it will either make or mar you.
When you receive advice,take the one that applies to your value system and discard the rest. Begin to filter every suggestion you get cause everything around you is suggesting something to you; the billboards, the show on your TV screen, the elderly couple walking across the street holding hands - everything is suggesting to you an idea.

Believe in yourself, don't allow anybody run you down with their words, because if you receive them on replied, it will soon begin to replay itself like a cassette tape in your head. Get out of your mind all those junks that have ever been spoken negatively to you, wipe clean the slate and begin to put new words in there on purpose.

Begin from now to think and speak on purpose; think and speak words that builds your faith and the faith of others around you.

Think Power Thoughts  
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