Tuesday 2 August 2016


I never was, am always to be. No one ever saw me or ever will and yet I am the confidence or despair of all who lives and breathe - I am TOMORROW.

I instill hope on many, yet fear on others. I never am and will never never be, yet all hope to see my day. Everyone is constantly planning on me, saving on me, waiting on me and others merely wishing on me.

I am like a force field. Everything and everyone pulls towards me instinctively but never will they reach me. I am in the thoughts of everyone all the time. I am health to most, a plague to a few.

Since you are trying to figure me out, can I talk to you about me? I should alright.

I am not a destination and never will be. Don't think of me like that, think of me as a gift; A picture frame that holds a picture of you as you would want to be in time.

I am created to be your private challenge, to spur you to be better. I could be very persuasive and intimidating sometimes but I am for you.

You should also see me as your conscience; see me as one that propels you to doing what you believe is right even though it might be unpopular, difficult, or dangerous.

There is another thing most don't realize about me. I cast a shadow, even though I will never be. Yes I have a shadow. My shadow is named TODAY.

Today is a part of me. It is my shadow; I will never be, yet you will always have him.

Why not utilize maximally my shadow? Why not try living in it with the ones and things you love and quit trying to live on me. Live you life now. Live in my shadow(today) to the fullest.

I am not saying you should discard the idea of me, no. I am saying you should live in the now and only hope for the best of me.

You never know, today might just be that me you have always been on the look out for. 
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