Wednesday 19 April 2017

How not to Run Out of steam in Your Relationship

Many times we run out of steam in our relationships before it even begins.

Other times having built so much expectation for it, we fall flat on our faces when it finally does arrive.

Most of us dream of meeting "the one", "our soul mate" -  as it is known in many parlance, but when we finally do meet them, the relationship turns quickly into a boring, no fun, but drab affair.

So we are getting into relationships without optimism, waiting to fail and move on to the next. We do this not even realizing when we do it.

But what if you meet the right person for you, I mean, you would want to give it your best right?  So let me show you a few ways to keep that relationship from running out of steam.

1. Avoid trying too hard.

Be yourself. You were you when you first met each other, and I bet he or she fell in love with you just the way you are. So why trying to impress all of a sudden.

Add spice to the relationship but never try too hard; rather let it flow naturally.

2. Give them what you know they would want not what you want for them or think they want.

Never get gifts or set up surprises for your partner that you would like or enjoy without taking into consideration if they in turn would like it.

Do and buy what you know would make he or she happy no matter how little or seemingly insignificant it may be to you. People are different; it will surprise you what they like or would enjoy

3. Spend lots of time together without allowing yourself to lose sight of their worth to you.

Do not allow yourself to lose consciousness of their worth to you.

However close and intimate you will get, never become too familiar with your partner that you lose your sense of appreciation and respect for them being in your life.

4. Be always open to change as the relationship progresses or grows.

A constant in life is change, and it is certainly same for relationships. Change will or may arise in many forms in your relationship.

Change in age(aging), change in body size or fitness, change in finances, change in sexual desires or activities (in relation to sex), change in ideologies, change in relationships with others outside the relationship, the list goes on.

Be willing to accommodate these changes. And if the change is too far out for you, you can talk to each other, reason together and see if something positive for the relationship can be done about it.

5. Be willing to accommodate each other's growth in every area.

Avoid competing amongst yourselves. It will be very detrimental to the relationship in the long run.

Be happy for each others successes and achievements. Their elevation is your elevation.

6. Allow yourself to have fun in the relationship. Don't be too serious all the time.

7. Know your place in the relationship and try not to over step it.

In relationships that are mutual (what makes for an healthy relationship), it is expected and also expedient that each party in the relationship know their individual role in the relationship and try not to over step it unless being given the go ahead to do so.

Do not over exert yourself on your partner in anyway even in ways that may be in line with your role as a partner in that relationship.

Be quick to know when to approach your partner in whatever way and when to leave them alone to themselves for a while.

Follow this few nuggets and see improvement in your relationships. This tips are simple but they are profound.

Relationships are very important,do not play with the one God has given to you.

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