Monday 18 July 2016


Why do I keep doing this? I mean I do this all the time. I am in a loop here, constantly complaining about everything with little or no will to change any of it. Do you actually think that the world owe you anything or an explanation? I have to change things, I can't go on like this, each time I try to break free I get held back by my own thoughts, fear of the on know, but I have to get this kind of negative thought pattern off of me.

Whatever I don't venture into now will plague me later in life  with thoughts of what ifs; what if I had moved to that other city, what if I had left that toxic relationship earlier than I eventually did, what if I had turn that idea into something actually tangible, what if?

It ends now, no more excuses, I have to take back control over my life, I don't have a spear, this is it, I either use it or lose it. But how? Oh retched man that I am, how can I get me to put off the cravings of this lazy flesh? How can I transform this destructive mindset I carry about with me constantly? How can I rise above this great enemy of mine called me?

There is got to be more than this, life should carry a whole lot meaning than what I am experiencing right now. I have got to take a stand, a decision to go forward and not look back.

I will dare to try, if I fail, I will try again, failing only make me know how not to go about it next time; If I take the wrong route, I will find my way back on track, this will make me value the need for a mentor because a mentor would help me avoid the wrong turns he took during his own journey;
Oh I will be discouraged and tempted to quit, but this will only expose the part of me that can withstand any obstacle in front of him through sheer determination and doggedness. But I will be mocked, scoffed at at some point and misunderstood, yet this will be my greatest push for success because if I stop moving I will quickly become them.

What if after all I fail? No, what if after all I succeed? Well, it is better to try and fail than fail to try and become equally a failure.

No more excuses!  
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