Sunday 14 August 2016

The Perks of being a Mediocre

Being a mediocre comes with its own previledges, really it does.
Mediocres do not have battle scars, niether do they ever stand-out - always going with the norm; 'playing it save' is their slogan. There are very priviledged to being very comfortabe with where they are.

Mediocres have a couple of things going on for them, this is what I call "The Perks of being a Mediocre".

However we will do well to avoiding this perks that comes with being a mediocre. Here are the perks:

Perk 1: Mediocres will never get burnt
Consistently playing it save will ensure that you never get hurt, heart broken and wounded. This is because you get to go through life without any serious battles to fight, without any meaningful heights to climb, cause you are very comfortable with where you are; never challenging yourself into doing anything that will put you out there, refusing to stand-out.

Perk 2: Mediocres never get criticized
People criticize what they do not understand. Successful people will often get criticized on their way up, and even when they get up, it will not stop, failures on the other hand also gets criticized for failing, but scarcely will a mediocre be criticized; there is always a soft-landing for them. Their ways are very clear and simple so they are often understood by others, but this can't be said for visionary people.

Perk 3: Mediocres hardly suffer loss
Because this guys are always comfortable with little achievements, they never get to take bigger but necessary risks to attaining greater goals in any of thier lives endeavours. Trying and failing is never a bad thing, cause as you fail you will learn how not to fail that same way ever again, you gain experience. Failing to try is the real failure.

So you see, mediocrity has a few perks that goes with it. Unfortunately, this perks are short term; at the long run this perks will not count at all. Only men that had been burnt, criticized and had suffer losses ever get celebrated and have their names written in the sands of time.
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