Sunday 17 July 2016

HIS NEED, my needs

He needs God
Man, created to do, to will and to become by Him in this world is built with needs; he secretly craves and desires certain things. He is triune, a spirit having a soul living in a body. Three in one. 

All three of him have needs that needs to be met and satisfied else, else chaos. The guy across the street yelling, yelling at his wife, getting off in his car in anger has needs; unmet needs. The wife he left behind with child in her arms have needs of her own not met. The little boy now grown, angry with the world, feeling like everybody owes him something for sure has needs, he misses mommy. Wars, terrorism, oppression, depression of all sort are tied to that ultimate unmet need carried around by everyone.

What are my needs, what are yours; does Father God have needs of His own? Well lets deal with it, there is  a need everywhere we turn, we just have to look.

Man's needs

Again, man is triune and all three of him have distinct need, lets see them. 

His spirit - man's spirit have a deep need and desire to worship something or someone of supernatural origin, someone bigger than life itself, Deity, God.

How so? it is just how we were created. No matter how we deny this truth, or cover it up with much intellectualism, it still comes down to one fact, "emptiness", a hollow feeling that we have deep within ourselves without worshiping this great force or Deity.

His soul - a man's soul have three compartment; Intellect, will and emotion. All three have distinct     needs. Now, human male and female is spirit, in this realm there is no such thing as male or female, it is just man. It becomes distinct in the soul and body part or compartment if you will of humans, i.e male and female only exist or can only be differentiated at the soul and body level never in spirit.

In flesh, male is man, female is man with a womb(womb-man), "wo-man". Now the needs of the soul:
Intellect: Knowledge and understanding
Will: Satisfaction
Emotion(female): Love, yes love is her number one emotional need, after this everything else follows.
Emotion(male): Respect, yes respect. This is the primal need of a man, when he gets this especially from his wife he would conquer his world.

His flesh: this is a very sensitive need as men are constantly driven wide by their fleshy cravings and desires. Man's fleshy and emotional need needs to be met as he(male and female) is mostly influence by his senses.
flesh(female): Affection. This is a woman's number need from anyone she truly care about and love. Husbands don't deny your wives of this.
flesh(male): Sex. Believe it or not this is  a grown male number one fleshy need. He does not want sex, he needs it(when married I must stress). A wife must take pride in satisfying this particular need of her husband. It is this way because Father God created man and gave him seed to procreate. Man is full seed of in his inside, billions of it just waiting to flow out. Wives don't deny your husbands of this.

Man is eternal, therefor one of the above basic needs supersedes the others, this is his spiritual need for God, his Creator.

So does the Father have any a need of His own? yes He does

God's need

The Father God's need : To be Believed. This is absolutely what He wants from his creation created
in His own Image, he wants me and you to believe solely on Him. Fellowship, worship and obedience to Him will fall into perspective only when we truly satisfy His need for us to believe and trust in Him and His Word.

I need His LOVE, He needs my FAITH.
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