Thursday 21 July 2016


One will need only so much effort to see around the huge gap between the deep pockets and the shallow pockets. One with abundance and the other with only so much to live to see another day. We live in a world whose riches is held in custody by a group of custodians which forms barely 1 percent of the entire human population of planet earth. We live in a world where food are thrown away for rubbish in some parts and adverse hunger in another, a world filled with abundant wealth but yet so much lack.

Here is the thing, it is obvious we missed it along the way, and we have to admit it; it is the only way. We missed it.
We dreamt of building sky scrappers and edifices for glamour but we failed to dream of a world free from hunger, lack and poverty. We drafted millennium development goals for building a robust nation with immense political authority and power rather than strategies on how to eulogies hunger, strife and death from society.

In the process of time, all this missed placed priority have culminated into what we are now faced with. We have created a world where a shallow pocket is living next door to a deep pocket with little or no consideration or empathetic will from the one with the longer spoon. A world where the homeless makes his abode on the street right across the gate of the white house. How did we get here? The deep pockets have consistently walked over and extorted  the shallow pockets for filthy lucre and gains. What a wonderful world.

Jesus Christ said "the poor you will always have around you", yes very very true, but did He create it so, of cause not, it has become so by our own doing, Our selfish, self-centered and self gratifying self's own doing. We are a gifted creation  constantly making the wrong choices and caught up with doing the wrong things even when we only meant well; it has become a habit, a plague to humanity and all life forms. We have in unity of purpose and will destroy our world that was beautifully and wonderfully created for us to cultivate and nurture.

We have to say no to this, we have to rise and fix it, no one-else will, no one else would. We can do it, we have to do it. We have to start being a little less self-centered and more loving and caring. It should be a new day. There should be a new kind of "selfishness", it is called love. If we truly walk in love with each other, things will start changing.

God said love your neighbor as yourself; be kind to others as you would others be to you. Who is my neighbor? He is anyone you come in contact with per time at any place or circumstances. Help a neighbor would you, together lets build a hurting world , yes together, one person at a time; one hungry boy, scared girl and homeless family at a time.

Let's love and show it to each other. Let's embrace this new kind of "selfishness", love. Together we can make every human on earth become a sufficient deep pocket.

Let the deep pockets unzip their zipped-up pockets!
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