Friday 15 July 2016

Obviously I am Indebted

Obviously I am indebted..., wait a minute, am I really? I mean, what is all of this? What is this place? Why am I here? Why are all of these? What is man? Did I ask to be part of any of this? Why am I? What is the reason for me being?

I just can't figure out why I am put here and given all this responsibilities. Why am I put here only to make decisions between this and that, what to do, what not to do? In choosing I will be condemned at the end if I chose wrong. What is the essence of it all? Is this just? Am i really indebted to Him or anyone else at that?

Sadly, this was me in the past. A lost poor soul wondering and searching for meaning, meaning for all things made and in existence, the reason why He created all this just for me and for His pleasure. I was searching for the reason why He created me and gave me a will. Then it came to me.

Would He rather build and create things and have them bend to His own will, to worship and fellowship with Him whether they chose to or not? or would He rather give a gift of choice, will, a will to make decisions whether or not to go  and do it His way? Obviously the latter is way better, I mean, I will rather create things that will worship me knowing fully well what they are doing; won't you?

So why am I indebted? Who wouldn't be? He created me, gave me all things, but then I payed back by rebelling, I committed treason of the highest sort, I intentionally transgressed and chose me instead of Him, yet He still came down in my defense and rescue, taking my place of eternal condemnation and damnation; this being obviously a clear path I chose for myself from the beginning, but yet He forgave me and wiped the slate clean, WOW what a friend I have in Him. I mean fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me, right? I am totally and absolutely indebted to the Son of man, He literately turned the tides for my sake... THANK YOU LORD!
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