Tuesday 26 July 2016

Do you have what it takes to be you?

OK, lets talk a little about you. How are you? Deep down from within do you feel like you are living you? I don't mean having everything figured out, I mean who really do right. What I am probing here for is very simple, is it? I think it is. Every human need to know who there are; we owe it to ourselves to know this.

Again, do you know you? Can you declare a manifesto about yourself in one paragraph? Or you're just another one among many trying to go with the flow, the trends, oh the trends; it seems like that is the major goal of everyone now; what is trending!

The whole world is conforming to a particular norm nowadays that its considerably becoming more difficult to identify one's self. It has become an up-hill task to know who we really are in this world.

Do you think you have got what it takes to be you for a change? Do you have the prerequisite requirement with which a person can possess in order to identify him/her self? Do you have what it takes to become you? Well I have tried and I was terrible at it. I searched and searched and could't find me. I was thoroughly hidden from me. But I can't say same today though. Guess what? I found me. It wasn't an easy ride but it became an enjoyable one. How did I figure me out, well let me share.

I, found myself in someone after every searching.Yeah you read right. I found me  in someone. His name is Jesus, Jesus Christ. Here is the thing, the more I knew Him the more I found me. The more I studied Him with materials I could find the more I was revealed, it was like I was concealed in Him; it was explosive and really fun. When I study His writings, it is like travelling into a fantasy world and getting lost in it; but the more I got lost in this world of His the more I found me. It was a world with my perfect reflection in it. This world have the ability of reflecting every single person as themselves. This world is Him, it is His but it reflects us.

You can find Him right now, He is right there with you right now. All you've got to do is talk to Him right now. He will teach you what to say, Just acknowledge Him as the Son of God that came to the earth in flesh for you only. 
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