There are times when we feel there is nothing else to hope for or look forword to in life. At the time of this writing I came close to that feeling. Many such days have come and gone and I can't say if more will come. I know you have felt that way too. Sometimes or at such times it is just so overwhelming.
There is a thing I do which I will also like you to pick up in times like that. I HOPE AGAINST HOPE. That is I hope even when I don't feel like it, even when there is no logical reason to do so.
I seemply say to myself today will pass and after a short while I won't even remember it; it works every time. Cast your mind back for a minute; that challenge you thought you have that will never go away or that you thought to be the end of the world itself; do you even remember it? Do you remember the rage, the anger, the disgurst, the discouragement, do you remember?