Tuesday 30 August 2016

Against Hope, Hope!

There are times when we feel there is nothing else to hope for or look forword to in life. At the time of this writing I came close to that feeling. Many such days have come and gone and I can't say if more will come. I know you have felt that way too. Sometimes or at such times it is just so overwhelming.

There is a thing I do which I will also like you to pick up in times like that. I HOPE AGAINST HOPE. That is I hope even when I don't feel like it, even when there is no logical reason to do so.

I seemply say to myself today will pass and after a short while I won't even remember it; it works every time. Cast your mind back for a minute; that challenge you thought you have that will never go away or that you thought to be the end of the world itself; do you even remember it? Do you remember the rage, the anger, the disgurst, the discouragement, do you remember?

Wednesday 17 August 2016

The Boomerang Effect of Mental Idleness

What are you doing with your mind? Your mind is just like everything else, it wears-out from lack of use. The more under utilized your mind is, the more you lose your wit.

Have you ever wondered why you have to learn somethings all over again after dropping it for a while? Take for example learning a new language, or learning how to play a musical instrument, the moment you stop practicing you start forgetting all you've learnt, and when you eventually return to it it will feel like starting all over again.

We have to consistently build muscle memory in areas of our expertise. Why do you do something, drop it, and pick it up again. You are wasting your time.

If you want something, put your mind to it and go all out to getting it; the more you procrastinate the more your mind will get lazy towards achieving that thing.

Monday 15 August 2016

The Irrefutable Law of Attitude

Your attitude is everything, it affects everything around you, it affects your day to day life more than realised.

Two men where sent to a native community by the organizations to sort out business oppurtunites for them. On arrival the first thing they noticed was that the natives where all going about their business bare-footed, nobody was on shoes. One of the men immediately contacted his organisation, telling them that the shoe factory proposal should be forgotten that nobody here wears shoes. The other man on the other hand contacted his organisation telling them to kick off the project quickly as planned that everybody hear is in need of shoes.

Sunday 14 August 2016

The Perks of being a Mediocre

Being a mediocre comes with its own previledges, really it does.
Mediocres do not have battle scars, niether do they ever stand-out - always going with the norm; 'playing it save' is their slogan. There are very priviledged to being very comfortabe with where they are.

Mediocres have a couple of things going on for them, this is what I call "The Perks of being a Mediocre".

However we will do well to avoiding this perks that comes with being a mediocre. Here are the perks:

Thursday 11 August 2016

How to know when to quit

How do I know when it is time to pack up my bag and leave? How do I know when it is time to stop trying? When can I realize that it is time to let go of a thing and stop pushing?

What if I quit and it turned out that if I had stayed-on one more day I would have had my breakthrough? What if Thomas Edison had giving up on his light bulb invention one more try away of actual success? What about Abraham Lincon, or the Wright brothers, or you, what if you had given up on that relationship which turned out now to be great after all?

The key to knowing whether to quit or continue trying lies in our ability to discern the inevitable outcome of that project, endeavour or relationship we are tied to; knowing for certain whether it will come through at the end or whether it will just go on to be another wild goose chase at the end.

Tuesday 9 August 2016

Was I born to do only one particular thing?

Lets assume for a minute that we were all created to do a particular thing, to work in a particular line of work or profession, or to walk in a specific path. Lets also assume that if I miss this path I am lost forever. We will aslo have to assume that every success story in life is a life lived according to the pre-ordained plan and purpose of God.

Even if this were the case, is it safe to say that all failures are individuals that walked the wrong paths in thier lives journey? This will also mean that no one will actually fail in the line of thier purpose or calling even if there were lazy, sloppy and unskilled.

God is a God of purpose, and no doubt He did put different potentials and gifts in each and every one of us as He would. This gifts and potentials are actually pointers to what we will trive at best in life; road maps to our destiny.

Now here is the mystery. We were created to have a particular destiny in life but we were not given a particular way to arrive at it. That is, I can actually do many different things and tread different paths to getting to my destination in life. We can arrive there through different route.

Saturday 6 August 2016


Have you ever asked yourself why you act the way you do? Why you react to things the way you do? Why you process things the way you do?

However much we are influenced by our background, we turn out differently from those we grew up with. Why is this?

Maybe it is because of the way we see ourselves. The way we percieve ourselves. We all think of ourselves as something; we secretely feel like we are better than everyone else, although there are a few exception. The majority of us think we are something, we feel like we are mysterious or something, like a mystry to be solved.

Thursday 4 August 2016

The Power of Positive Praise

You don't have to believe what you confess, but if you continue long enough in those words you will begin to believe it. There is an unfathomable power in our confessions or praises whether in the positive or in the negative.

You don't have to mean it, you don't have to be convinced with what you are saying; you will even doubt the ability of it, but if you could just keep at it, it will get you convinced.

What will it profit us when we sing negative praises all day? What will it actually cost you to confess something positive when faced with negative situations? How much of a sacrifice is it to you to say something loving even when filled with disappointment, rage and dismay?

Wednesday 3 August 2016

The Power of Talk

Words. The most lethal force on earth. The most influential force in our lives.

Our words possesses the most creative power on earth. It have the power to create something out of nothing. It have the power to transform bad to good, good to bad.

Words carefully chosen and spoken have powers to turn a frown upside-down into a smile, agony into ecstasy.

Men do not rule the world; it is the intelligent words of men that do rule the world; Men that have mastered the art of spoken words and have seen and acknowledge it's powers.

Tuesday 2 August 2016


I never was, am always to be. No one ever saw me or ever will and yet I am the confidence or despair of all who lives and breathe - I am TOMORROW.

I instill hope on many, yet fear on others. I never am and will never never be, yet all hope to see my day. Everyone is constantly planning on me, saving on me, waiting on me and others merely wishing on me.

I am like a force field. Everything and everyone pulls towards me instinctively but never will they reach me. I am in the thoughts of everyone all the time. I am health to most, a plague to a few.