Wednesday 5 July 2017

Strive Against Mediocrity

Excellence dwelling too long on the same spot will become mediocrity. By definition, mediocrity is excellence sticking its head in the euphoria and praise of yesterday, basking and wallowing in the mire of self effacing applause, forgetting that real excellence is in staying forever at prime's state.

Mediocrity is excellence on vacation for too long.

You have to be weary of dwelling on the same spot for too long however how dazzling it may appear or seem. You'll have to keep going up.

You see, it is not just in attaining excellence, cause anyone may do so, but it is in sustaining it that you will escape the the damp quarters of mediocrity avenue.

Sustaining excellence is not cheap, yet it is more expensive to maintain mediocre status, cause mediocrity will cost you in later years.

You must come to terms with the fact that in order to stay in excellence, in order to stay at the top of your game, you will have to strive against mediocrity every other day of your life.

You would strive against mediocrity by two major ways:

  1. You ensure you don't get complacent at any height you might have attained and,
  2. You engage yourself with activities that excellent people engage in.

You see, the difference between the excellent person and the mediocre is that, the mediocre person engages his or herself once in a while with what the excellent person would willingly but deliberately engage his or herself all the time.

You should realize that the difference is in consistency. Consistency creates a very toxic atmosphere for mediocrity.

The enemy of average is consistency! Remain consistent on a particular path and see how you will eventually become a master in that terrain.

Actively resist becoming overly content with being at the same spot day after day, month after month, year after year, only making very minute strides.

Win the war against mediocrity, stay ahead , live in the now but with the future in constant view and then your present would become as a precious jewel to be beholden of.

Mediocrity may seem comfortable and easy- average always does, but in the long run you will regret it.

I end with the quote of one of the great leaders of this generation, Pastor Keion Henderson, "You were born looking like your parents but you will die looking like your decisions".
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