Wednesday 12 July 2017

How To Retrain Your Mental Disposition

You mind thus far has been conditioned to working a certain way. It has learned how best it can process data and how best it can also dispose from it when called on.

Do you ever wonder why you make certain decisions under certain peculiar circumstances. Have you really studied yourself to see that you tend to doing certain things the same way, how that you come to certain conclusions almost without too much fore thought? Yes, this is your mental disposition - having proclivities of or the propensity to behaving a certain way.

You arrived here due to several number of factors all through your life.

Have you notice that you repeat your mistakes almost as if you were doing it on purpose or not willing to learn from past ones?

This is not entirely your fault, you have become conditioned this way. However there's hope!

Do you fancy living more deliberately, I mean being more in control, making more informed and wiser decisions?

Do you know that your mental disposition is so strong in how it influences other peoples first impression of you?

Do you see how it is very important to be more in control of your own mind, rather than allowing your sometimes untrustworthy subconscious, make critical but seemingly spontaneous decisions for you?

Can my own mind deceive me? Yes, constantly.

Your subconscious should not be trusted as much, unless you have ensured to a great length in a process of time that, what went on in subconscious mind were information of strong character and virtue, this, including subliminal messages(messages that your subconscious mind could pick up without you being necessarily aware of them.) It is only then you may now rely on it.

You will be surprised if alerted by how powerful the subconscious is. It is capable of picking up information that you could never have imagined possible; data you  would have thought you missed.

Your mind never misses a thing, it only interprets  some to you and takes the rest of the information as irrelevant, ambiguous or out of scope to the current play or setting. You can't even begin to figure this out.

For example, when you go through a string of numbers in a single flash on a bill board, probably while in transit aboard a vehicle. You may think that you have missed certain details when you tried to recall what you saw. Yes, you may never recall fully what you saw because it happened so fast so you  could't call it to remembrance,but I can assure you that the complete information is there, imprinted somewhere in your subconscious.

So reshaping your mental disposition will have a lot to do with you purging your subconscious. You will accomplish this by aggressively refilling your mind with deliberate information, such that would fit what makes for good character and virtue. However while doing this ensure you also protect  your mind from subliminal messages that will counter act the process thereby hampering your progress.

So, here are the iterated step that can help you gain more control over you actions,

  1. Feed you mind with wholesome and character worthy information, and with knowledge  that would bring about great prudence on your path. In doing this you are filling your subconscious mind with wisdom it can use for your benefits in those times that you would need to make intelligent decisions without much fore thought and in little time.
  2. Remove yourself from places that can pass negative subliminal messages to your mind. Make the art of guarding your mind from junk messages a lifestyle.
  3. Watch the company you keep. The human is a being of influence; you sometimes make decisions in sync with the norm your company holds true. So spending time with people of questionable character would imprint on your mind some of the groups own ways or disposition in tackling specific subject matter.

Arm your mind with relevant and deliberate resources, because, what have been stored over time in your subconscious mind  will help shape the course of your life. Shape your mind, shape your future. Direct your mind, direct your future.

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