Tuesday 20 June 2017

Find Yourself

In the world today it has become very easy to get lost and stuck in it's hustle and bustle. You actually don't have to try too hard to become carried about by the 'sleight of hand' of nothingness.

People now don't know how to even find themselves. They actually see themselves as 'among the number'. These ones can hardly believe that there is anything special about themselves.

It has become the norm to get lost in the flow of the hyper activity generated from some select quarters without genuine impact to life.

Nations are lost, social groups are chasing the winds, entrepreneurs making money off of others without foreseen satisfaction in sight. It has become a hopeless rat race.

Humanity have become lost. Who can save her? Who or what can bring her back in course? Who, if not the very ones that made a mess of it.

It will take people everywhere who have finally found themselves to make the giant strides needed. Have you found yourself?

O, you have to, You have to begin finding yourself. You have to get out of sync with the rest and dare to be separate, to stand out.

For you to find yourself, you would first need to have your eyes opened to the deception that is ravaging our world. With you eyes blinded to this deception, you would but be in sync with the rest. For you to stand out, you must become acquainted with the deceit that is prevalent in the world today.

Get out of the noise of the world, get quite and find yourself. You really can't find yourself from without, it has to be from within.

If you don't find the you in you, you will remain stuck in the rough.

I have to admit, with the way the world is today, it won't be the easiest thing in the world to do because, even after you find yourself, sticking to what you have found is probably the hardest part.

You will have to dig your heels in, and decide not to ever derail from that path when you have found it. Many distraction will come, oh, they will hit you hard but you have to be strong on the inside and be resilient. It will be worth it!

You have to find you and be committed to what you have seen before you can make any real impact in life.
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