Saturday 8 July 2017

Watch Over Your Thoughts, They Are Seeds.

Thoughts are seeds that grow into words, and words are fruits that nourishes or kills the hearer, of which you the speaker of it are chief(because your words affects firstly you, secondarily others ) and the seeds of the fruit of your words grows into your attitude, disposition and lifestyle.

Evidently you will always attract what you are constantly thinking about.

Thoughts are very powerful, it repels as well as it attracts.

Therefore if you are not seeing certain things in your life, I guarantee you that you can trace it back to your thought pattern; you must have been repelling it in your thoughts or are attracting other things that will naturally counter that thing you really want manifest.

Take for example your want increased finances, but you think all day about how impossible it is to meet the bills - maybe because of the economic crunch , trust me that kind of thought will only create a cloud of depression around you and consequently it will repel any form of financial increase, it will even repel promising relationships that might just carry you into a new level of financial overflow.

A lot have been said about thoughts, that it is almost becoming a cliche, but it doesn't take one bit any potency from it. Thoughts are powerful, they are a very potent force.

Now, what are seeds? From the physical point off view, seeds are very small in nature, but they carry within them the very potential of becoming a very large tree, and bringing forth fruits after their kind. Thoughts are the same way, they may look very insignificant, but they carry in them the very potential to make or mar you.

Seeds grow horizontally downward first before it begins to spring out from the ground; it might take a couple of days to sprout or a couple of years as some may do but it will eventually sprout.

So are your thoughts. You may say well..., I have been thinking some string of positive thoughts lately but why am I not seeing results. My answer to you is this, wait for it, keep thinking that way for a while loner and it will eventually manifest without you realizing it.

Seeds are very resilient, they can break through rocks if it gets on their way; so also are your thoughts; if you hold them long enough in your mind, they will break through any thing standing between you and your preferred destination.

You have to become the master over your own thoughts, cause, all sort of thoughts will come at you, some will be so repulsing that you will wonder where such thoughts are coming from, but as such thoughts comes, allow them to also go out the same way, don't ponder upon them.

See, you have to realize that all thoughts are not your thoughts. So because you thought about it doesn't make it your thought. It becomes your thought only when you begin to ponder and meditate upon it. So you have to learn now how to starve those negative thoughts as they come by not thinking upon them.

Rather feed your positive thoughts by constantly meditating on them and by doing so, ideas might just spring up that will usher you into your next level.

Begin today to sow good thought seeds and watch your life take a detour into your preferred destiny.

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