Monday 10 July 2017

How To Realign Your Self Perception

Perception is everything. How you see yourself is of uttermost importance to how you turn out in life.

Often times we perceive others as something, while we see ourselves as nothing. You think they are just lucky or perhaps it is because of their personality.

The truth is that if you go closer to this ones you will discover that they are not superhuman either. You will realize that they are just ordinary people that refused to believe that they are ordinary.

They chose to believe that they are something while you chose to be believe that you are just one of many people that are out they. But you can't be more farther from the truth.

The truth is that you are special, but until you start believing it, you won't amount to much.

How you see yourself is the game changer. If you see yourself as rich, it is because you are rich, and no matter how contrary the current situation may look, you will eventually become how you see yourself. But if you see yourself as weak and poor, I can tell you with authority that you can't beat that.

You can never do better than how you see yourself. You can never out-perform your self-image.

You see perception is so power that God puts that power only in your hands. No one on this earth have the capacity to label you, if they do, guess what, you gave them that authority; you consented to it.

What others have to say about you is only an opinion, it doesn't count, as compared to what you have to say about yourself. Their perception about you is bleak compared to your self perception.

The way you see yourself is reflected for others to see. How you see yourself dictates by far how others will see you.

The glory of yourself perception is almost too glaring for all around you to see.

Your self-image is also reflected in your actions and dispositions. It controls the way you relate with others.

How do I realign my self image?

  1. Quit thinking that all you see now is probably all that there is . There's more to you than meets the eye.
  2. You are never defined by your achievements, so stop estimating yourself by your achievements. You are what you are, not what you do. Your true worth is in who you are, not in what you do.
  3. It is not all about you. Life those not start and end with you. Take that pressure off of you. You see, when you are self centered all the time, you become so overwhelmed into estimating yourself based on what you can see, feel or hear; you will begin to scale yourself by performance. Stop it.
  4. Speak positively about yourself, would you. Regardless of your traits or disposition, always speak nicely to and about yourself. Refuse to be overwhelmed by circumstances or people in talking negatively to yourself.
  5. Engage in activities and conversations that brings you satisfaction. Activities that actually brings the best out of you will help realign your priorities viz a viz boast your confidence.
  6. Avoid engaging in any activity or conversation that steals your confidence.

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