Wednesday 26 July 2017

Stay True to Your Path

Do you want to be a total master at what you are doing or be at the very echelon? Get in to you path and stay there.

One of the greatest temptation you will ever face and continue to face as a person, is the temptation of doing whatever is working for the next person or happens to be in trend.

This is a true temptation because, you may be going through your own process and become weary of it by the reason of it's seemingly slow pace as compared with the pace of the other person.

It will be good to note at this point that that person you are admiring his prosperity may have gone through his own process behind the blinds and is now reaping the fruit. So you see him now and starts dreaming of becoming as successful, not considering the fact that he stood in his path.

Another valid temptation is the temptation of trying to cut corners to getting faster to your envisioned destination.

Put in the effort now, do what you've got to do now, enjoy the process, stay in the path, don't try to rush things, rather allow things to flow naturally. In doing this you will grow as your enterprise in growing.

If you cut corners, you enterprise might grow, but you won't.

Here is wisdom,

  1. Do not get carried away by the achievements or non-achievements of others. If you are fixated on those achieving greater things than you, you will be tempted to walk in contempt and thereby trying to cut corners.If you are achieving more than that person, you will be tempted to becoming too comfortable at were you are.
  2. Do not get carried away by external circumstances. Your current circumstance may not tally with what you have envision, and what you may be going through may not be what you have bargained for, and certainly you will hit both minor and major bumps on the way, but keep at it. Quit giving too much attention to circumstances and paying to much royalties to trials but rather focus on the price.
  3. Do not get carried away by you. Sometimes you will face the temptation of thinking like, I am not good enough, I am no different from all the others that have tried and failed, There's nothing special about me.You see, what your mind will do when you are constantly looking at yourself is to compare the you now and the you you would be or are aspiring to be, and so you become overwhelmed by the difference and feel unqualified. 

So thank God for where you are and keep in the path.

Stay true to your path. You know this path, you are constantly moving in it's direction in your thoughts, so trust and stay in it.

You have what it takes to surpass what life brings to you.
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