Thursday 3 August 2017

The Power of Curiosity

Curiosity is Everything.

It is the mother of every invention that have come out of the minds of men and women since the beginning of their time.

Curiosity is the key that unlocks the innovations and ideas locked in the heart of men or women.

If you will master it, curiosity is a game changer. It has the power to change the very things you thought impossible to ever experience change.

Here are a few things about curiosity.

  1. Whatever you focus on explodes. It multiplies beyond your wildest imagination. Could it be that you are not getting anything out of life because you are not curious enough, because you have not beamed your flash light of curiosity upon it?
  2. There is more to everything than meets the eye. Everything in life is detailedly construct from minute to enormous, take for example the simplest of cells in a living body to the complex make up of the organ called the heart; this is extraordinary. There is always more - you just have to be curious enough to look for it and eventually find it.
  3. If you think you know anything, you don't know it as yet, at least as you ought to. Truly, the more you know, the more you realize that you don't know. If you are sincere with yourself you will realize that the smarter you become, the dumber you feel.
  4. Curiosity is a step further from inquisitiveness. To be inquisitive is wanting to know HOW and WHY, but to be curious is wanting to know HOW, WHY and even WHY-NOT. Ideas birth inventions and innovations. The HOW's conceives the idea, the WHY's matures this idea, and the WHY-NOT's births the baby called invention or innovation.The answer is in the WHY-NOT, and it is the curious hearts that ever get here.
  5. Everyone was born curious. It is how we got by as babies and become acquainted to this world to quickly. But as we mature in adulthood, we lose this element about ourselves and become to politically correct if you will. We begin to falsely discover that it is always better to play it safe and go with the flow. That many is always better.
  6. The good news is that you still got it in. Curiosity is intrinsic, it is still there and will always be, you just have to cultivate it again.
  7. Curiosity thrives with an active imagination. This is good because we all have imagination. Imagination is simply painting mental pictures or images of this that are not really there. You are as curious as the level of your imagination. Someone said "the sky is not your limit, your imagination is."
  8. If you are carrying out a task exactly the same way each time, you are bound to getting the same results, this is not consistency, it is conveniency. You have to be curious, even if a little, to seeing if there could be a better and a slicker way in carrying out the same duty.

Curiosity could be the difference between drab and cutting edge.

Get curious about everything. Question the very norms and status quo's surrounding your field, business and lifestyle to see if it holds true or if it's just a fallacy or a deception.

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