Monday 27 February 2017

Taking Control of Subliminal Influences Over Your Unconscious

There are only a few things beyond our control, and what goes into our unconscious mind should not be one of them. According to Collins Cobuild Advanced Dictionary of English, Your unconscious is the part of your mind that contains feelings and ideas that you do not know about or cannot control.

If our unconscious contains this feelings and ideas we don't know about or could control, what put them there or how did there get there? Your unconscious mind wasn't a blank slate when you were birthed. There were behavioral patterns,cognitive feelings programmed in you, knitted in you in your mother's womb - this weren't things you picked up. For example you weren't taught to suck on your mama's breast, neither were you taught to cry when you felt pain or needed attention.

But you see, as we grew,  messages and external influences began to be communicated to our unconscious minds, this messages we could perceive or not perceive; subliminal messages and influences seemingly beyond our control. This is true to us when we were but children - as in that stage, virtually everything that crossed our paths we picked up - but should this be said or seen of us as mature adults? You could say well, if most of the messages getting to our unconscious are subliminal, isn't it beyond our reach to control? Well you are correct; I couldn't agree more, however lets reason further together.

Since evident that most of this messages getting to our unconscious are subliminal, what is it that could be done on our path to curb this onslaught of information getting to us, knowing that these external influences informs our inclinations, proclivities, even our propensities to doing certain things we do?

This is how it had been proven to having this dealt with:

1. Identify the sources of this subliminal influences and,
2. Isolate yourself from them as much as possible with you.

Here are some of the identified sources of this influences: Music, TV Programs and Commercials, Movies, Bill Boards, News Media, Social Media and so forth. You see they are mostly things associated with media, why? Because this things appeals to our sensory gates; mostly our eyes, ears; it could also include our taste buds and smell, mostly sensory or sensual.

Isolating one's self as much as possible from some of this sources(censoring them for ourselves) will bring tremendous benefit far beyond our consciousness or comprehension.

"Collins Cobuild Advanced Dictionary of English" @ HarperCollins Publishers 2009 
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