Friday 24 February 2017

You've Already Got It!

Knowledge acquired only polishes what you've already got on the inside of you - no matter the knowledge acquired in a certein area, if you haven't got it, you haven't got it.

So what have you got? Let me submit to you that on the inside of you lies treasures that your mind cannot possibly comprehend. You have more treasures on the inside of you than what money from the oil wells in the Middle East and in Nigeria can buy; you've got more treasure on the inside of you than the gold mines in South Africa and Ghana, more treasures than what the diamond mines in Zimbabwe could offer - YOU'VE ALREADY GOT IT.

There are solutions on the inside of you that can only come from you alone - no one could provide it but you. Contrary to popular believe, you were born into this world full with inherent abilities, but on the flip side most people go through their lives and finally to their graves without emptying themselves off the abilities put in them - meant really for the world to benefit from.

Acquired knowledge only refines you into what you were meant to be just as oil-crude is refined into fuel or gas, or as diamonds are polished off of it dross - knowledge does not "necessarily" add anything to you (it adds or imparts information to you), it primarily points you to you - it beams light to what you've already got on the inside of you.

Lets look at the human instinct for purpose of illustration as one of his hidden treasures.

If you would show me a man full of knowledge but without instinct, I will show you a beautiful glass house without interior decoration and furniture on the inside. If you show me a man with instinct but without the necessary knowledge, I will show you a treasure hidden from the world.

Knowledge PARADES you but instinct SUSTAINS you.

So start from where you are right now with what you've got on the inside, with little acquired knowledge here and there as you go along the way, you will most certainly attain your designated heights 
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