Wednesday 22 February 2017

Get in Shape

I need your feedback on this if you will - I am putting up a three day challenge at the end of this write-up - you will do something simple that promises to bring tremendous success in your life (the change you want to see) - but first read through.

Have you ever noticed with yourself or in a particular situation were, for whatever reason you just knew what to do that particular time and it turned out that going through with it was the best thing you've done for yourself in a while? This is true for all of us.

There is something on the inside of you that have the solution to your situation. There is something you know deep down on the inside whether you realize it or not that can move you out from what present condition or challenge you are faced with right now; all you need is listen to that inner voice. You only have to give a little thought to your situation and you will receive instruction from the inside - kind of like a light lit up on the inside of you, signaling the way out.

You see we pay highly for counselling sessions but really what they would say to us are things we already know to do for ourselves deep down on the inside (on our inner most being or consciousness). I appreciate counselors, I am not taking anything away from them, however, most of the solutions to our problems are right within our reach (or I could say are in us) - all we have to do is look - or dig deep.

Now here is the three day challenge.

No matter what the challenge is - weight, addiction, depression or any set back, going through this challenge will go along way in helping.

NB: Everyday will come to you with a different persuasion from your inner being. You will surge with positive expectation from the inside

Day 1: Try to ponder on that particular predicament or challenge you are currently faced with.
Don't ponder as in get into worry or getting worked-up about it, but try to see or find within you the foundation (the root cause or initiator) of the problem - I promise you that you will find it; be patient with yourself even if it takes a while.

Day 2: Ponder for a while about where you were or use to be, where you are now and where you would like or wish to be. Stay on this for a good while through out this day - you will begin to receive and conceive ideas from within or around you; if you stay long enough on this it will become a knowing: all of a sudden you will know exactly what to do (kind-of a light lit-up on the inside), you might even receive instruction from around you( by around you I mean you might become inspired by people, event or things around you).

Day 3: Take those steps (implementation) and get out of that situation - you can do it. Within only day three you will notice some radical changes.

You will have the will power necessary to see this through because the very solution that will come out of you will come naturally to you.

-Please send your feed back-
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