Friday 10 February 2017

Enlarge your Premise

Our premise; supposed to be the foundation on which we lay or anchor our dreams, aspirations and goals on. But it is amazing how shallow and narrowly scoped we make them . We can dream all we want, set the goals, but without the right premise or basis on which we are conceiving this dreams and setting the goals, we become tailored towards failing.

Imagine for a minute a young man meeting a young woman, had a couple of dates with her and decides to get married to her for a singular reason he could come up with, "I love the way she smiles". Smiling is good and all that but can that sustain a marriage? Here, smiling becomes a terrible premise on which one would hang his or her marriage on. what happens to the marriage if she loses her smile perhaps to life getting the best of her?

Who would want, if you knew, a five story building built on a two feet deep foundation even if it is going for a give away price? You probably wouldn't because it is only a matter of time before that building will collapse and come to it's ruin.

Now a two feet deep foundation is perfect if it were to hold up a simple unit store building, but not certainly a five story building! A lot of the times we do not see our dreams come through not because the premise is bad in itself, but because it can't hold that dream when it finally arrives. So for we to realize our dreams, achieve our goals and sustain them, we will need a premise that is commensurate with this aspirations.

Would't it be better he would want to marry her because he is ready and she too, and that they both have compatible ideals, vision and principles? Getting married on the premise of ideal, principles and vision compatibility certainly out guns "I love the way she smiles"

We actually come up with good premises for the most part on which we intend to anchor our aspirations, but the potential challenge is whether this premise is commensurate with our dreams to see to their actualization.

It becomes imperative for us to gather sufficient premise, enlarge existing ones or radically change them so that they can accommodate our vision.

With the right premise, a big dream and well laid down goals, the sky will only be our starting point.    
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