Thursday 2 March 2017

You Don't Have a Money Problem

You don't have a money problem, you have a manifestation problem. Money is not a means to an end neither is it an end; money is simply an avenue on which means ride-on to attain an end.

Money have no respect for persons, it does not select it's master but rather it is mastered by those who have manifested to their world. If you want to master money, manifest - your money is tied to your manifestation.

The manifestation of something is one of the different ways it can appear - as defined in Collins Cobuild Advanced Dictionary of English. The reason why crude oil is very lucrative as a business and a product of necessity today is because it could be refined (manifested) into different finished products. From it you could get fuel(PMS, Jet fuel), gas, motor oil, diesel et cetera. Do you notice from this example, that all refined form of crude oil seems to solve a class of problems; that is, to empower machines(be it cars, planes, cookers et cetera)? Even so your manifestation should be directed or channeled into one area or set of related areas, field or endeavor.

How do I manifest? You DISCOVER, ALIGN, then PRESS.

Firstly you DISCOVER yourself; this usually stands out among the three cause it proves to be the most difficult - if you can achieve this you are already eighty percent there. Your greatest conquest in life is to conquer yourself; you are to know yourself. You have to know what makes you different but unique.

After discovering yourself, your are to learn to become ALIGNED to your purpose. It is one thing to know yourself but it is another thing entirely to stay true to yourself. We are often pressured to become like somebody else, to conform, maybe to those we admire; but being modeled or mentored by some figure is evidently different from being fashioned like unto them in every way. Be comfortable with who you are.

Finally you have to PRESS to attain Fulfillment in life. What we consider as fulfillment in life varies among we as individuals; so whatever your persuasion is, in this area, the important thing is to attain your destination. Press in the sense that you don't give up before you even begin - it pressing till you go through the press and stand out.

"Collins Cobuild Advanced Dictionary of English" @ HarperCollins Publishers 2009 
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