Wednesday 26 July 2017

Stay True to Your Path

Do you want to be a total master at what you are doing or be at the very echelon? Get in to you path and stay there.

One of the greatest temptation you will ever face and continue to face as a person, is the temptation of doing whatever is working for the next person or happens to be in trend.

This is a true temptation because, you may be going through your own process and become weary of it by the reason of it's seemingly slow pace as compared with the pace of the other person.

It will be good to note at this point that that person you are admiring his prosperity may have gone through his own process behind the blinds and is now reaping the fruit. So you see him now and starts dreaming of becoming as successful, not considering the fact that he stood in his path.

Another valid temptation is the temptation of trying to cut corners to getting faster to your envisioned destination.

Put in the effort now, do what you've got to do now, enjoy the process, stay in the path, don't try to rush things, rather allow things to flow naturally. In doing this you will grow as your enterprise in growing.

If you cut corners, you enterprise might grow, but you won't.

Here is wisdom,

Sunday 23 July 2017

Learning How to Leverage on Past Mistakes

Too much have been said about minimizing risk and avoiding mistakes so much so that it has become almost frightening to taking decisions about little issues.

In as much as learning how to minimize risk at any endeavor is imperative, becoming fearful about risks taking altogether will cause you more harm than the latter.

I think there is need to master the art of leveraging on our past mistakes and not only on how to minimize risks. I think this is a superior wisdom.

Anybody can minimize risk just by not taking any, which is very sad, but turning mistakes into milestones requires great understanding, and not everybody have that.

But you see no one is born with great understanding, it is learned by instruction, knowledge and counsel, which is what I am offering you.

It is foolish for one to be caught on the same net twice. Being taken by the same mistakes is never a good thing. For anything mistakes are to be avoided but when they come, which they will, you should learn how to receive instruction from it.

The only way for you to leverage from a bad situation is to learn from it. It is to receive instruction from it not just experience.

Here are some nuggets to consider:

  • Experience gained from past mistakes may not necessarily stop you from making them again, but getting understanding by receiving instruction from the mistake will always keep you from making same mistakes.

  • Learn not to focus on the things lost by the mistake but on the things you could still salvage from all of it, however how damaging the mistake may be. However severe the mistake you are making or have made may seem, there is still something there you could save, you just have to consider it deeply.

  • You are never the real victim of your own mistakes, others are, so be less conscious about yourself in this case and think on how the mistake you have made or are making is affecting others. There is something about caring for others. There is something about putting the needs of others first. It brings wisdom needed for fixing fences. 

Now here are some ways on how to be instructed from past mistakes:

  1. Consider the Patterns. There are always patterns that play themselves out in culminating into the mistake you made or are making now. Look for it and try to avoid it next time. You see, it is in identifying the pattern that you can circumvent it and keep it from repeating. Why because if you know the pattern from the previous and now see those patterns playing out again, you could quickly get out of it.
  2. Consider the Counsels and your Choices. You must have received advice one way or the other before and during the time of the mistake. So consider them and try to reason why you took the path you took and why you ignored the advice that would had made the difference.

This look strenuous but this are what make wise people. The wise are those that have learned to receive instruction from all their past mistakes.

Wednesday 12 July 2017

How To Retrain Your Mental Disposition

You mind thus far has been conditioned to working a certain way. It has learned how best it can process data and how best it can also dispose from it when called on.

Do you ever wonder why you make certain decisions under certain peculiar circumstances. Have you really studied yourself to see that you tend to doing certain things the same way, how that you come to certain conclusions almost without too much fore thought? Yes, this is your mental disposition - having proclivities of or the propensity to behaving a certain way.

You arrived here due to several number of factors all through your life.

Have you notice that you repeat your mistakes almost as if you were doing it on purpose or not willing to learn from past ones?

This is not entirely your fault, you have become conditioned this way. However there's hope!

Do you fancy living more deliberately, I mean being more in control, making more informed and wiser decisions?

Do you know that your mental disposition is so strong in how it influences other peoples first impression of you?

Do you see how it is very important to be more in control of your own mind, rather than allowing your sometimes untrustworthy subconscious, make critical but seemingly spontaneous decisions for you?

Can my own mind deceive me? Yes, constantly.

Monday 10 July 2017

How To Realign Your Self Perception

Perception is everything. How you see yourself is of uttermost importance to how you turn out in life.

Often times we perceive others as something, while we see ourselves as nothing. You think they are just lucky or perhaps it is because of their personality.

The truth is that if you go closer to this ones you will discover that they are not superhuman either. You will realize that they are just ordinary people that refused to believe that they are ordinary.

They chose to believe that they are something while you chose to be believe that you are just one of many people that are out they. But you can't be more farther from the truth.

The truth is that you are special, but until you start believing it, you won't amount to much.

How you see yourself is the game changer. If you see yourself as rich, it is because you are rich, and no matter how contrary the current situation may look, you will eventually become how you see yourself. But if you see yourself as weak and poor, I can tell you with authority that you can't beat that.

Saturday 8 July 2017

Watch Over Your Thoughts, They Are Seeds.

Thoughts are seeds that grow into words, and words are fruits that nourishes or kills the hearer, of which you the speaker of it are chief(because your words affects firstly you, secondarily others ) and the seeds of the fruit of your words grows into your attitude, disposition and lifestyle.

Evidently you will always attract what you are constantly thinking about.

Thoughts are very powerful, it repels as well as it attracts.

Therefore if you are not seeing certain things in your life, I guarantee you that you can trace it back to your thought pattern; you must have been repelling it in your thoughts or are attracting other things that will naturally counter that thing you really want manifest.

Take for example your want increased finances, but you think all day about how impossible it is to meet the bills - maybe because of the economic crunch , trust me that kind of thought will only create a cloud of depression around you and consequently it will repel any form of financial increase, it will even repel promising relationships that might just carry you into a new level of financial overflow.

A lot have been said about thoughts, that it is almost becoming a cliche, but it doesn't take one bit any potency from it. Thoughts are powerful, they are a very potent force.

Now, what are seeds? From the physical point off view, seeds are very small in nature, but they carry within them the very potential of becoming a very large tree, and bringing forth fruits after their kind. Thoughts are the same way, they may look very insignificant, but they carry in them the very potential to make or mar you.

Wednesday 5 July 2017

Strive Against Mediocrity

Excellence dwelling too long on the same spot will become mediocrity. By definition, mediocrity is excellence sticking its head in the euphoria and praise of yesterday, basking and wallowing in the mire of self effacing applause, forgetting that real excellence is in staying forever at prime's state.

Mediocrity is excellence on vacation for too long.

You have to be weary of dwelling on the same spot for too long however how dazzling it may appear or seem. You'll have to keep going up.

You see, it is not just in attaining excellence, cause anyone may do so, but it is in sustaining it that you will escape the the damp quarters of mediocrity avenue.

Sustaining excellence is not cheap, yet it is more expensive to maintain mediocre status, cause mediocrity will cost you in later years.

You must come to terms with the fact that in order to stay in excellence, in order to stay at the top of your game, you will have to strive against mediocrity every other day of your life.

You would strive against mediocrity by two major ways: