Monday 20 March 2017

YOU CAN BE YOURSELF ONLY FOR TOO LONG? Character transformation

It doesn't matter how hard you try, you can only be yourself only for too long. Your have to admit, positive change is comes very easy; it is the easiest thing in the world to encounter; to overcome that addiction, to cultivate those relationships, to become that person you know you are capable of being, I mean, name it. But you know this is not the case for all of us. We only see ourselves behaving as we should every now and then, not really having a grip of that person we know we are or should be or become.

There is a reason for this seeming difficulty to behaving in ways we know we should.

1. You see often times we try to make ourselves behave right by focusing rather on our weaknesses than on our strengths.
What you focus on, you give strength. The more you focus on your weaknesses the more you are giving it strength to rule over you.

You have to reconcile this. You have to stop energizing your shortcomings but rather focus on your good sides.

By constantly looking away from it(your weaknesses), you are reducing it's power and influence over you. You have to consciously start giving your strengths priority in your thought life; think on your strengths.

2. Change does not come from a change of behavior but rather from a change of belief or orientation, perhaps a change of mind, but the term "change of mind" has lost it's real meaning as it has become trivialized, meaning something less than it's original meaning; taking a different form.  We would say, "I was supposed to be at a party by 3 pm today but I 'changed my mind'." This is not a change of mind, it is a change of plan or a mare reversal to an earlier decision.

A change of mind is a change in belief or orientation; it is to repent, in it's original sense.

How do I achieve this; how do I change my mind? You change your mind, believes or orientation by focusing on the things that should matter most to you, whatever  it  may be to you, putting it in consideration first before any thing else; you have to focus on these things, then you will enter into an effortless change.

You don't have to be yourself only for a few moments of time, learn to abide by the above principles and be yourself every step of the way - your real self.
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