Sunday 12 March 2017

Mind Without Borders

Do you want to discover what you were born to become or do? Do you want to soon meet you? It is very very easy. What is that one you will be doing if the possibility of failing is taking out - that one thing you will do if you are told you cannot fail in it (i.e 100% success guaranteed)?

You see, for some reason if the limits we have fashioned in our minds where to be taken off the sky will be our play ground. We will achieve everything we set to achieve.

Identify that one thing you would love doing, knowing that there is no possibility of failing, at all, in that one thing; then, take the borders off of your mind; allow your imagination to run loose;unleash it to the endless possibilities in the universe.

Now lets get serious. Do you know that you are the biggest and baddest enemy you will ever get to face in this life? yes YOU. I guess you already knew this, if yes, take it as a reaffirmation, if no, take it as a true reality of life (it will be a life saver).

Anything whatsoever you think is impossible to achieve, is only in your mind. You are the one telling yourself that, or less, permitting others to invade your mind with such junk.

You can achieve anything you have set to achieve for yourself if you would put your heart to it, and stay on it, undeterred  and focused.

Whatever you focus on, you strengthen. So if you are big on that idea or endeavor, fully focused, you will eventually become a master in it.

It is all about the "Eventuallies". Again, what is that one thing you will be doing if the possibility of failing is taking out of the picture? Find that it, narrow yourself to it; eventually, you will see that endeavor come to fruition: FULFILLMENT.

You will never begin to comprehend the endless possibilities of a Mind Without Border
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