Friday 17 March 2017

Mind Connections

A lot have been taught about the human mind, what it is, it's unique abilities, even it's location in the human anatomy. There is a lot of material out there if one where to carry out research along this line.

But allow me to introduce you to what I call "The Mind Connection". What it is, and how it applies to you.

Your mind is the seat of your consciousness. It is able to make sense of the information coming from your senses. Your brain receives data from your five senses (sight, auditory,smell, taste, feel ),processes it and passes it to the mind to make sense of it by either pondering, wondering or reasoning on the received data.

Mind Connection is the ability of the mind to make meaning or connections with seemingly unimportant information by linking it to an already acquired skill or a unique piece of memory stashed away in the memory bank, extracting or applying it to the situation at hand, creating a revelation.

For example, your mind have the ability to connect a particular smell it receives in a restaurant, to a unique piece of memory stashed away in your memory bank from previous; a memory of you having a particular soup in a dinner, and in that dinner, a man passed by you, holding a radio with the radio presenter on his frequency saying something particularly irrelevant to you as at then, but suddenly became relevant to you immediately after your mind brought it back(the memory) through that distinct smell, making the connection. Oh the power of the human mind!

Your mind have the unique ability to make connections with the most trivial information you think you might be receiving or had received, and merge it with an actual important event that took place in the past or would take place in the future, turning it into gold for you. In other words that information you have tagged unimportant today might actually become a life saver tomorrow.

This is why no knowledge is ever wasted. The knowledge acquired yesterday, though bad, but now repented from, can turn out to save you from falling into a more terrible situation today or tomorrow. The knowledge acquired yesterday,though good, will always certainly keep you from straying away from the right path today.

Cherish information, instruction, knowledge, and gain understanding in the process; however even with the absence of understanding in an area, listen, the mere information received might become a life saver tomorrow.

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