Monday 27 February 2017

Taking Control of Subliminal Influences Over Your Unconscious

There are only a few things beyond our control, and what goes into our unconscious mind should not be one of them. According to Collins Cobuild Advanced Dictionary of English, Your unconscious is the part of your mind that contains feelings and ideas that you do not know about or cannot control.

If our unconscious contains this feelings and ideas we don't know about or could control, what put them there or how did there get there? Your unconscious mind wasn't a blank slate when you were birthed. There were behavioral patterns,cognitive feelings programmed in you, knitted in you in your mother's womb - this weren't things you picked up. For example you weren't taught to suck on your mama's breast, neither were you taught to cry when you felt pain or needed attention.

But you see, as we grew,  messages and external influences began to be communicated to our unconscious minds, this messages we could perceive or not perceive; subliminal messages and influences seemingly beyond our control. This is true to us when we were but children - as in that stage, virtually everything that crossed our paths we picked up - but should this be said or seen of us as mature adults? You could say well, if most of the messages getting to our unconscious are subliminal, isn't it beyond our reach to control? Well you are correct; I couldn't agree more, however lets reason further together.

Friday 24 February 2017

You've Already Got It!

Knowledge acquired only polishes what you've already got on the inside of you - no matter the knowledge acquired in a certein area, if you haven't got it, you haven't got it.

So what have you got? Let me submit to you that on the inside of you lies treasures that your mind cannot possibly comprehend. You have more treasures on the inside of you than what money from the oil wells in the Middle East and in Nigeria can buy; you've got more treasure on the inside of you than the gold mines in South Africa and Ghana, more treasures than what the diamond mines in Zimbabwe could offer - YOU'VE ALREADY GOT IT.

There are solutions on the inside of you that can only come from you alone - no one could provide it but you. Contrary to popular believe, you were born into this world full with inherent abilities, but on the flip side most people go through their lives and finally to their graves without emptying themselves off the abilities put in them - meant really for the world to benefit from.

Wednesday 22 February 2017

Get in Shape

I need your feedback on this if you will - I am putting up a three day challenge at the end of this write-up - you will do something simple that promises to bring tremendous success in your life (the change you want to see) - but first read through.

Have you ever noticed with yourself or in a particular situation were, for whatever reason you just knew what to do that particular time and it turned out that going through with it was the best thing you've done for yourself in a while? This is true for all of us.

There is something on the inside of you that have the solution to your situation. There is something you know deep down on the inside whether you realize it or not that can move you out from what present condition or challenge you are faced with right now; all you need is listen to that inner voice. You only have to give a little thought to your situation and you will receive instruction from the inside - kind of like a light lit up on the inside of you, signaling the way out.

Friday 10 February 2017

Enlarge your Premise

Our premise; supposed to be the foundation on which we lay or anchor our dreams, aspirations and goals on. But it is amazing how shallow and narrowly scoped we make them . We can dream all we want, set the goals, but without the right premise or basis on which we are conceiving this dreams and setting the goals, we become tailored towards failing.

Imagine for a minute a young man meeting a young woman, had a couple of dates with her and decides to get married to her for a singular reason he could come up with, "I love the way she smiles". Smiling is good and all that but can that sustain a marriage? Here, smiling becomes a terrible premise on which one would hang his or her marriage on. what happens to the marriage if she loses her smile perhaps to life getting the best of her?

Who would want, if you knew, a five story building built on a two feet deep foundation even if it is going for a give away price? You probably wouldn't because it is only a matter of time before that building will collapse and come to it's ruin.

Monday 6 February 2017

On the Horns of a Dilemma

Have you ever been faced with the situation where you were expected to choose between two different things or make a decision betwixt two and at every time it seems really difficult? Well, let me tell you a story.

Two kids were playing football(soccer) out on a field; both boys being the same age. The ball they had to play with got into the front yard of a senior citizen, he is Mr. Ben. Now Mr. Ben has got a heat sensory lawn sprinkler on his front yard which he uses as a private joke on trespassers - to get them all wet. Now both boys already aware of the consequence of going into yard where caught on the horns of a dilemma - whether to go get the ball and get wet in the process or to forebear.

Can you guess what they did?