Friday 24 March 2017

The Power in Living Life Intentionally

Lets face it, most times we don't even have a clue were we're headed in our lives, careers or relationships and we find ourselves going through the motions - coasting through lie. However, it is harmful to just go through life one day at a time without being at least intentional with our lifestyle, choices and actions.

We may not know what next step to take in our lives, when to make some decisions that can take us to the next level, when to let go of some relationships, or when to stop certain lifestyle or habits that weigh us down evidently or elusive to us; However, amidst this, we have to be deliberate with our lives, styles or choices.

Being deliberate or intentional with our lives is a powerful tool to possess in our life journey.

Monday 20 March 2017

YOU CAN BE YOURSELF ONLY FOR TOO LONG? Character transformation

It doesn't matter how hard you try, you can only be yourself only for too long. Your have to admit, positive change is comes very easy; it is the easiest thing in the world to encounter; to overcome that addiction, to cultivate those relationships, to become that person you know you are capable of being, I mean, name it. But you know this is not the case for all of us. We only see ourselves behaving as we should every now and then, not really having a grip of that person we know we are or should be or become.

There is a reason for this seeming difficulty to behaving in ways we know we should.

1. You see often times we try to make ourselves behave right by focusing rather on our weaknesses than on our strengths.
What you focus on, you give strength. The more you focus on your weaknesses the more you are giving it strength to rule over you.

You have to reconcile this. You have to stop energizing your shortcomings but rather focus on your good sides.

Friday 17 March 2017

Mind Connections

A lot have been taught about the human mind, what it is, it's unique abilities, even it's location in the human anatomy. There is a lot of material out there if one where to carry out research along this line.

But allow me to introduce you to what I call "The Mind Connection". What it is, and how it applies to you.

Your mind is the seat of your consciousness. It is able to make sense of the information coming from your senses. Your brain receives data from your five senses (sight, auditory,smell, taste, feel ),processes it and passes it to the mind to make sense of it by either pondering, wondering or reasoning on the received data.

Mind Connection is the ability of the mind to make meaning or connections with seemingly unimportant information by linking it to an already acquired skill or a unique piece of memory stashed away in the memory bank, extracting or applying it to the situation at hand, creating a revelation.

Sunday 12 March 2017

Mind Without Borders

Do you want to discover what you were born to become or do? Do you want to soon meet you? It is very very easy. What is that one you will be doing if the possibility of failing is taking out - that one thing you will do if you are told you cannot fail in it (i.e 100% success guaranteed)?

You see, for some reason if the limits we have fashioned in our minds where to be taken off the sky will be our play ground. We will achieve everything we set to achieve.

Identify that one thing you would love doing, knowing that there is no possibility of failing, at all, in that one thing; then, take the borders off of your mind; allow your imagination to run loose;unleash it to the endless possibilities in the universe.

Now lets get serious. Do you know that you are the biggest and baddest enemy you will ever get to face in this life? yes YOU. I guess you already knew this, if yes, take it as a reaffirmation, if no, take it as a true reality of life (it will be a life saver).

Tuesday 7 March 2017

Conform to Reform

Before any real reformation, there need be conformity of some sort. To reform is to first conform, so as to come up with strategy both timely and efficient for effecting the required positive change. You can't change a system for the better you haven't come to understand it's intricacies or tested first hand the frustrations existing with its current state.

There is only so much you can do for a system you understand little or nothing about, how much more, reform it. It is one thing to have a strong desire to effect a positive change, it is another thing entirely to know the how, where, and when; knowing this requires conformity of some sort on your part.

Thursday 2 March 2017

You Don't Have a Money Problem

You don't have a money problem, you have a manifestation problem. Money is not a means to an end neither is it an end; money is simply an avenue on which means ride-on to attain an end.

Money have no respect for persons, it does not select it's master but rather it is mastered by those who have manifested to their world. If you want to master money, manifest - your money is tied to your manifestation.

The manifestation of something is one of the different ways it can appear - as defined in Collins Cobuild Advanced Dictionary of English. The reason why crude oil is very lucrative as a business and a product of necessity today is because it could be refined (manifested) into different finished products. From it you could get fuel(PMS, Jet fuel), gas, motor oil, diesel et cetera. Do you notice from this example, that all refined form of crude oil seems to solve a class of problems; that is, to empower machines(be it cars, planes, cookers et cetera)? Even so your manifestation should be directed or channeled into one area or set of related areas, field or endeavor.

How do I manifest? You DISCOVER, ALIGN, then PRESS.