Thursday 19 October 2017


Permit me to tell you why emotions are such bad leaders but great followers.

Have you notice how things whined up badly when done out of some feeling or emotion(or spur of the moment of some sort), especially when done through any minimal contemplation of any kind?

Haven't you regretted afterwords, making an important life decision based on a whim? It is because emotions are such bad leaders.

Our emotions are not smart. Someone said "emotions are without brains". You need to give your emotions the passenger's seat not the driver's, or you will pay for it later.

Truly, our emotions are very very important, and we can accomplish much with them, only when wisdom is applied with it - this is where taking the lead comes in.

Emotions are like YO-YO's, they are these now and that immediately after, ever changing and for the majority of the time should not to be trusted.

For example, if you really want to get a job done, you will have to really dig your heels in and stick with it regardless off how you feel or don't feel. And when you stick with it long enough even though you started not feeling like doing any of it, you will realize that you emotions will catch up and become excited eventually; see, good followers.

Leading your feelings is of great important so much so that I think anyone would really become successful without, because, carrying out the simplest tasks such as making you own bed or doing the dishes after dinner could become so burdensome when feelings are allowed to lead how much more real tasking ones.

Here are reasons among many why putting your feelings first or allowing them to lead would be a terrible thing to do:

1. Feelings are never reliable or dependable: for a moment they are excited doing a particular thing and the very next, they are not; and that without substantial reasons.

2. Emotions are circumstantial and could be easily influence by it's environment; this right here particularly makes for a bad leader.

3. Emotions are short sighted: your feeling will never put the long term into consideration. It is very NOW and NARROW minded.

4. Emotions are self seeking: self centeredness is a terrible quality for any one leader. A true mark of leadership is selflessness, and your emotions will fall short here every time. If your feelings will do any selfless act, it will do it with a reward in mind in the near view; but we know that true leaders will rather do what will profit others more, than themselves.

5. Emotions will never appreciate the place of hard work, it will always seek for shortcuts; and they are no such in the road to sustainable success.

6. Emotions are not intelligent. Have you not seen highly intelligent peaple do stupid things? It was their emotions. You will end up doing things you would rather not when you allow your emotions to take lead.

7. Emotions tends to tilt towards cowardice. Those time when you took a bold step towards what you where convicted about, it was your WILL, not your emotions. I bet your emotions had said "no, don't do it, it is a terrible idea".

"I am going to change the world", you may say; well, while that's a great idea, change yourself first.

"I will be a great manager someday", good; how well are you managing your own affairs.

"I will be the president of my country someday", very nice; do you even make your bed when you wake up? I can bet you that people will not want a leader that considers making his or her bed after as such a great task, or would you?

Here is the singular most powerful reason why emotions are great followers. "A Sense of Fulfillment" is a strong emotion that drives and propel us to stay on track and soar higher, but it only comes to us after we had stock long enough doing the right thing even when we didn't fill like it.

Take the LEAD!

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