Thursday 2 November 2017

Five(5) Simple Reasons Why People Fail

The failures we encounter can be traced to five(5) simple root causes, but let me say a few things things first.

The fear of failing is rearly the reason for failing as mostly perceived.

This is true because for the most part we don't really fear failing, but what we do fear is whether or we have it in us to rise from a terrible fall.

We fear succeeding and not having what it takes to sustain it.

It is not the fear of failing that keeps us from trying, it is the fear of "am I good enough or deserving of this blessing or success."

The fear of failing is not the primary issue, it could be the fear of discovering or manifesting  a part of us we never knew existed before, on the road to success.

I am emphasizing on fear because for me, it is not among the five(5) primary reason people fail.

So, here are five(5) simple reasons people fail. People,

1. Underestimate their Strengths.

We fail because we are more conscious and confident about our weaknesses than our strengths. We know pound for pound all our area of weaknesses and how bad it looks, but we know or take to account little or nothing our strengths.

We will seldom succeed if we never come to Identify, Cultivate and Nurture on our strengths rather than on our weaknesses.

2. Underestimate the fruits of Hard Work and Diligence.

Hard work pays. Diligence elevates. Down playing on the importance of these, in building our core values could prove fatal to our success in life.

Our success in life rises or falls on our willingness to be hard working, faithful and deligent.

3. Underestimate the place of Planning.

If we are not planning in any form of the word, we are planning to fail. Either way we are planning.

Planning is never a joyous thing, but I will assure that it is profiting at the end. Time will fail me to talk about the benefits of plan.

Please cultivate the habit of planning. It doesn't matter if it is here or there, witty or clumsy, just plan before you leap.
4. Underestimate the power of "Intentionality".

I really doubt anyone anywhere can be successful in anything without being intentional.

We have to other our affairs on purpose. Check out a previous post I had put up on "Intentionality".

5. Underestimate, disregard and over simplifies Process.

Life is in phases. Processes joins one phase to another. We can't skip process. If we do we will meet it in front multiplied over and sorer.

Time and seasons are integral in the scheme of things in this world. When we underestimate the place of process, we undermine the Power of the universe, the One who keeps everything and all things together.

The world in which we live in today is one that is constantly inventing and reinventing ways in which process could be bypassed; failing to see the bigger picture.

There you have it. Contemplate on this things, identify where you are, then align and constantly evaluate yourself in regards to this truths.

Thank You.

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