Saturday 16 September 2017


Life is a collection of times and seasons. One will never catch a break from it - even that is time. As one is exiting from one season, he is entering into another;it is a continuous cycle. Think about it.

Crops for example have their different seasons with which they flourish. While some do well in this others don't and would do well at another.

Time makes up for seasons as seasons makes up life. How well you maximize time culminates into your seasons and consequently your life.

Time should be invested not spent. Why not pay now and play later rather than the contrary. The irony here is that in both ways there is a "paying" - you determine whether it is now or later.

The success of a season should not be measured by the level of productivity. You might be in a season  where everything is working well and as planned, enjoy it. If you are at a season things seems not to be going with the flow you envisaged, don't get discouraged, resist the temptation to quit, rather make the most of what you have.

Like trees, you may thrive in some seasons and kind off go through the motions in others, but remember to make the must out of both, trees do.

The season an average tree for example will not naturally thrive, blossom or bloom, it will spend spreading it's roots downward into the ground to access as much water it can reach to stay alive through that season. In doing this, this tree actually becomes stronger and builds more resistance against wild climate.

Things may not be going as planned or at the pace you hoped. Are you out of a job or on a leave from work nursing a child? Are you using this rather spear time to growing your capacity? Are you growing your asset or you are just coasting through this time waiting till you hit a break?

One season incubates the other, so your tomorrow will look like the child of your yesterday. If you want a healthy child tomorrow invest your today into something productive.

There are two kinds of time,

Time one : These are the times when you are in your element. Here you are very active doing such and such thing or projects. You actually thrive in this moment of time based on how well you have utilized "Time two".

Time two : These are times where no one will actually see you. Here all your plans are only in your head and on paper, nothing much, things seemingly looking slow. However this is also the best and most favorable time to deepen your roots and reach for the deepest treasures on your inside.

If you are in time two now, you are in a great time. Here you have good time for yourself to grow in capacity, to feed and grow your mind, work the emotions(becoming more emotionally intelligent). Read books relevant to your giftedness, attend seminars or webinars, take up mentor-ship programs etc. Get an education or further if that's where you are. Life is to precious, don't waste any of it accomplishing too little. Use time to your advantage, you actually have power over it. Invest it rather than lavishing it on idleness.

He that observeth the wind and will not sow will beg in the time of harvest.
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