Wednesday 14 June 2017

Know What You Want

It is only in knowing what you want you can stand the chance of competing in life on equal plane with everyone else. Other than this, you are not even enlisted for the race to begin with (not even fit for the battle of life).

Do you really know what you want? If you were to be asked this simple but powerful question, "what do you want", will you have an answer? A simple answer also, or you would just mumble a lot of nothing ? Do you even know what it is that you want in life for yourself! Do you actually aspire to attain anything?

Have you considered that it is in knowing what you want that you will know what to pursue?

I have been where I didn't know what I wanted in life; it was terrible. It was just motion in the same spot; You know, oscillating is motion but no progress, so it is with living without knowing what you actually want.

You have to know what you want in every area of your life, in your relationships, in your finances (how much you want to be earning within such and such with planned or foreseen increase in the future), your health, your family, and so forth. Know in every area what you want so that you can pursue them.

The danger in not knowing what you want are these.

1. You will not recognize opportunities when they come - they will boldly pass you by.

2. You will become religious in you thinking - routine if you will. There is something dynamic about you; but not knowing what you want is denying this dynamism it's expression, so you become stuck in routine exercises day to day.

3.You will eventually become crude in your thinking. The world as we know it is a dynamic world where things are constantly changing and fading. Retaining the same pattern of thought will enable you to be left behind, thereby becoming archaic in your ways. Stuck in the past of "obsolete".

Crude thinking equals stagnation, because, you are what you think.

Let me be clear! You will never stumble into real success, if you do, you will lose it, because you won't know how to keep it. You'll have to do better than wishing that things will just work out themselves. You have to know what you want and go for it!

 However, you need to know who you are before you can decide what is it you want. This will be discussed in another post (watch out for it!)
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