Tuesday 9 May 2017

Salvaging an Already Hopeless Situation to Win

Are you stuck? Do everything around you seem to be crashing and coming at nothing? Do you feel like throwing the towel? Is that situation as hopeless as it could ever get?

Well good news! There is hope that hopes against hopelessness. It is one that can salvage an already hopeless situation.

Read this: A family moved into a new neighborhood along with Snow - Snow is the name of their dog. After the family settled in, Snow discovered an opening leading to the yard of the neighbors next door. Surely Snow went through that opening and found Bullet -
Bullet is a bigger dog that lives next door (a giant compared to Snow).

Well, Snow, after getting the beating of her life from Bullet ran back home, having patches all over. Surely, Snow went back in the next day and received even a more sorer bashing - Bullet handed it to her again, this time Snow almost lost an ear!

Snow went up there again the following day and the next and was destroyed by Bullet each time.

But something happened on the fifth day. On this day Bullet was still surprised to find Snow standing right in front of him again. Then a profound thing happened after both dogs had stared at each other for a while, Bullet took off running to his cage with his tail between his legs as he goes.

Bullet was afraid of the tenacity and persistent put up by Snow.

There is just something that makes a hopeless situation quake at the front of tenacity and persistence put up by you!

The key to savaging a hopeless situation is in HAVING A GO AT IT ONE MORE TIME ATTITUDE!

Get up, cleanup and face it head on one more time with the very little strength you can muster.

The beauty about that seemingly hopeless situation is that one more show of doggedness and tenacity on your part could put it to bed along with the nay Sayers.

Hoping against hopelessness in the face of a hopeless situation springs up from the inside of you with an expectancy of total triumph once again and again as long as needed.

Here is a profound secret; you can get over every seemingly hopeless situation by NOT GIVING UP!

As long as you don't give up, you will overcome anything!

You are always stronger on the inside than you think or will ever realize. Humanity has gotten this far by the reason of this inner strength - Persistence and commitment to overcome even in a hopeless situation.

You won't use a thing you don't know exist, but now that you know, gird up the loins of your mind and keep moving.

You might say, well, you are not in my shoes right now, so you could not possibly know what I am going through. Yes that's valid, but this is also true, that situation you are going through right now has been gone through and overcame by someone else out there and I dare say that people are currently going through a much sorer case than yours.

Quit having a pity party for yourself, if you could just look away from yourself (your flaws or short comings), the situation or the progress of others and find the answer or strength on the inside you need to surmount that mountain before you.

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