Sunday 14 May 2017

How Do I Work it - working my vision into manifestation?

The difference between having a vision and seeing its fulfillment is also the difference between KNOWLEDGE and WISDOM.

What is knowledge? It is enlightenment. Knowledge is a vision, a revelation, an illumination. But for you to see vision manifest, it takes wisdom.

However, you don't get from knowledge into wisdom. You must need go through UNDERSTANDING.

So, what is understanding? It is perspective. It is the ability to see perspectives. It is the ability to comprehend knowledge gained and put them into perspective.

Understanding goes beyond knowledge. Knowledge might show you how to do a certain thing a number of ways, but understanding  will bring you into seeing which way is best among all the other ways knowledge had provided and it may also show you why it is the best way.

Understanding bridges knowledge to wisdom. Meta knowledge as in the above image may also be understanding.

What then is wisdom? It is the ability to use knowledge aright; The ability to put latent knowledge to work. Wisdom converts passive knowledge into active knowledge.

So for you to see your vision(which is knowledge) come to fruition, you must apply wisdom(which is the ability to give form to your vision).

Success is not in having a vision alone, it is in having the ability to WORK IT!

Knowledge may put you over, but wisdom takes you all the way to the blessed place - whatever that is for you.

Now, knowledge comes from gathering information, or having a revelation of information(vision).

Understanding comes from having perspective to what you have known - this can be achieved through comprehension. In other words, understanding is the ability to comprehend knowledge thereby gaining accurate perspective.

Wisdom can not be gained or learned, it could only be given. It could only be imparted. See how on this post.

So in working out your vision into manifestation, you need wisdom. Wisdom is the principal thing.

You have to insist on getting wisdom!

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