Friday 5 May 2017

Riding on the Storm of Pressure

It is the internal pressure exerted on the inside of a balloon that eventually blows it up. It is also the external pressure exerted on an object that crushes it to smithereens.

Pressure can for sure wreck irreparable damages to things and beings alike.

But here is the thing, pressure is a force, either external or internal, but like all forces, pressure also can be used masterfully as a propellant by you for attaining increased productivity in any area.

You can put that pressure you might be filling right now to work. It can actually work for you as a servant into bringing out the best in you.

The pressure that is on to you right now can either be allowed by you to crush you or to carry you into a new level of increase.

Pressure can be seen as neither positive nor negative. It could be seen as either of the two depending strictly on its after effects and that for the most part depends largely on you. In other words, pressure is either good or bad depending on the end product it manufactures; and you've guessed it, you could be the product, or the operator, or both!

That is, pressure could be taken advantage of by you, in producing alot of increase for you in many areas of your life.

Here is the thing, you will not be able to run away from pressure neither can you avoid it,but the good news is that, you can use it to your advantage.

Do not get discouraged and stressed out in the face of pressure, but rather make use of it; see it as an extra push! Maneuver your way through it like a master.

Avoid getting into stress, it will be highly detrimental to your health and work throughput.

However, they are pressures that could be avoided and indeed should be by you. This are pressures that come intentionally from known sources that can be confronted and should be confronted.

Pressures that you are to ride on are pressures that are at the least unavoidable. It should be clear that pressure is not to be seeked by you, but should it come, then you can take advantage of it.

Another thing to know about pressure is this, the proportion to which pressure can griviously affect you is directly proportional to the capacity you have as a person.

Master pressure! Cut off sources of needless pressure. Ride on the remaining pressure you are now left with to your advantage. 
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