Saturday 15 April 2017

You are a Product of Love

Men and women are  products of love, We may not realize it but everything every where reveal this to us.

Everything that happens and goes on around us reveals that we a people made by love and purposed to give love back.

Even at our lowest points as human beings there's always still a little glimmer of love.

But what was and still is our greatest undoing is that we try to attain this inherent trait in us; this thing deep down on the inside of us that we don't know how to even describe or prescribe, by going totally to the opposite direction.

In sincere search for this thing - which I call LOVE, we go ignorantly or blindly towards HATE instead.

The more we try to be who we could be and know we should, the more we watch ourselves consistently turn the other direction.

Mankind as we know it is constantly at the moment destroying it's inherent instincts; which is to GIVE LOVE BACK!

It is tricky really, because deep down we know what we should be doing but, we almost inherently and totally violate what seemingly should be our primal instinct.

The earlier the average person realizes this; that he is a product of love and he should give back that love, the better for our wholesomeness as a people - unity and peace!.

But most times, we are just too proud to admit what our hearts is telling us, and we become so blinded by that pride that the same heart that was to produce love starts cultivating, to produce hate, strife, selfishness and so on .

Selfishness is nothing but pride. Think about it. What is selfishness? it is wanting to keep everything to one's self not because you can't help it, but because you like and prefer yourself to anybody else - it is pride.

You always put yourself first because you think you deserve it. And why do you think you deserved it? because your heart has become lifted up, thinking that it always have to be the center of attraction, that anything that does not revolve around it should not exist.

We have to take out pride in the world by taking out selfishness and by defaulting back to our primal instinct, LOVE.

You've already got it in you, so let it loose.

This is not possible for everyone, because man fell from this position a long time ago. He lost his capacity to give love back. He lost the real kind of love. UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.

But it was restored back by someone, JESUS!

To start walking in this love, you have to accept and confess Him as your Lord, and then He will make you a totally new being in your spirit, giving you the ability to walk in this kind of love.

This ability is called Eternal Life. The love nature of Father God.

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