Friday 28 April 2017

The Necessities of Having the Right Convictions

Masterful men and women, champions; are people with firm convictions.

For you to be a man or woman given to a good cause and eventually see tremendous results; making an impact in society, you must be a person of conviction.

The difference between you and where you ought to be is in your convictions. Are you really persuaded about what you are persuaded about?

For you to be outstanding in life you have to be firm in your convictions and not just any conviction, the right convictions.

Having the right convictions for and about life is very crucial to your well being.

Here are the reasons you need to have the right convictions in your life in order to begin living the life.

Having the right convictions and sticking with them would:

  1. Construct your path aright. Not only that, it will direct your steps also; propelling you to walk in them.
  2. Empower and equip you with weapons of war to fight off life's challenges.
  3. Open doors of opportunities and favor as people are seeking to initiate and cultivate relationships at all levels and sort with persons with the right convictions and persuasions.
  4. Give your life meaning and purpose.

Here are why holding to the wrong convictions can be counter productive.

Living life with the wrong convictions would:

  1. Carry you through life till the end only to realize you have missed it; running after things that was never the real prize to gain.
  2. Hurt your relationships.
  3. Means you are living a lie; an illusion.
Here are some wrong convictions.
  1. My net worth will provide for me real fulfillment. So you go through life chasing after money and materialism.
  2. I am the only one that care about me so I will put myself first in every thing. It is me and me alone.
  3. Cultivating relationships and putting them first will make me weak.
The above makes for a compelling argument, the immense necessity of being a man or woman of conviction, to living a fulfilling life.

Wednesday 26 April 2017

How To be a Man or Woman of Conviction

As a man or woman you have to have a firm conviction about what is true about your life or life in general.

For you to amount to anything in life your have to be fully given to a particular belief or opinion about any thing that means or will mean anything to you.

You are your convictions. What forms your beliefs directs your life.

You cannot act better than what you believe.

What you believe fashions your mentality, your mentality sponsors your actions and your action furnishes your life; because you are what you do.

Having the right convictions will be discussed in another post (please look out for it). This post is to reveal to you the importance of having a conviction and how to have or build it.

It is better to have a wrong conviction or persuasion about anything than not to have any at all. Because a person with a wrong conviction can be persuaded otherwise.

But a man without conviction is vulnerable to abuse; what's more, he will be tossed to and fro by every wind of deceit that will be presented to him or her.

Monday 24 April 2017

Learn to be a Compelling Communicator

Words, they are the most powerful force on earth. Words have the ability to create and also destroy. Words formed the very fabric of society. They are more important than time, space and matter.

While it is true that we cannot turn the hands of time, we could redeem lost time by speaking simple words into the air or to the ears of an individual and a seemingly hopeless situation will turn on its head just like that.

Words can create both space and matter. Your words can give substance to things, things abstract, things imagined. Words do create space, it creates avenues for innovations and inventions.

Words can unite, words can dissemble.

Your words if fitly spoken together can create opportunities for you where there were none.

Wednesday 19 April 2017

How not to Run Out of steam in Your Relationship

Many times we run out of steam in our relationships before it even begins.

Other times having built so much expectation for it, we fall flat on our faces when it finally does arrive.

Most of us dream of meeting "the one", "our soul mate" -  as it is known in many parlance, but when we finally do meet them, the relationship turns quickly into a boring, no fun, but drab affair.

So we are getting into relationships without optimism, waiting to fail and move on to the next. We do this not even realizing when we do it.

But what if you meet the right person for you, I mean, you would want to give it your best right?  So let me show you a few ways to keep that relationship from running out of steam.

Monday 17 April 2017

Do You Have What It Takes To Do You?

There is something each and every one of us knows about ourselves that know one else does.

There is a path we know we must take, a path that would definitely sound or look stupid to others if we were to tell them about it.

It is often a lonely path. A not so popular direction.

It is a path when taken, would attract challenges, and this we know on the inside, and that is why it so scary for us to give ourselves totally to it.

It usually would require something masterful on our path.

So, do you have what it takes to do you? would you take that path?

This is what "the you in you" know to do, but will you go for it? Have you gotten what it takes to go for it?

Saturday 15 April 2017

You are a Product of Love

Men and women are  products of love, We may not realize it but everything every where reveal this to us.

Everything that happens and goes on around us reveals that we a people made by love and purposed to give love back.

Even at our lowest points as human beings there's always still a little glimmer of love.

But what was and still is our greatest undoing is that we try to attain this inherent trait in us; this thing deep down on the inside of us that we don't know how to even describe or prescribe, by going totally to the opposite direction.

In sincere search for this thing - which I call LOVE, we go ignorantly or blindly towards HATE instead.

The more we try to be who we could be and know we should, the more we watch ourselves consistently turn the other direction.

Mankind as we know it is constantly at the moment destroying it's inherent instincts; which is to GIVE LOVE BACK!

Monday 10 April 2017

The Master Plan

Think of the Master Plan as the master's bedroom in your house, You know the master bedroom is the one room in the whole house where most of the decisions are made. It is where the man and his wife mostly conceive their children (not just physical children but also family goals, dreams and vision), it is where strategies are drawn out for family planning(birth control),budgeting and so on. It is also where they retreat to if there is need for strategy for whatever purpose

Master plan is the plan of all plans, the bedrock on which all other plan should stand on. It should be the road that all other roads leads to in terms of your plans for living the life you know you want and could have.

As long as your master plan is solid enough for you to fully become convinced about it, you will achieve whatever you set-up yourself for.

A master plan is the plan that should not crumble even when all else do.

Here is how a master plan looks like:

You see from the above diagrammatic illustration, as long as you stay true to your master plan, all your other plans will without fail come to fruition. You cannot afford to compromise your master plan. You will have to nurture it and retreat back to it time to time to constantly gain a sense of purpose.

Your master plan could also be seen as the plan that births your other plans (or the place where other plans are conceived like the master’s bedroom), so if the children (the other plans) are not doing well as they should, you have to work on your master plan – it could be either you have deviated from the master plan or it could be that it wasn’t a master plan to start with
Not all plans can fit for a master plan. 

For instance; going through or seeing yourself through College cannot possibly be a master plan cause after you’ve achieved it, then what? A master plan should be a plan that is dynamic; ever forward, and far reaching, a plan that seems to outdo even your greatest achievements. One that keeps you, ever inspired – like in the above illustration - “To be the best I know I can be”. It could be, “To be a symbol of integrity, to first my family, and secondarily to the world.”

If you haven’t got one, please do well to get one. It is called a plan it is not a motto; it means you will have to plan towards it and apply yourself to achieving it, and that where the other goals comes in. The other external circles (the other goals), will help you arrive at the main goal or master plan as we called it.

Get that plan and stay true to it.